Monday, June 21, 2010

my superman!

"happy father's day ayah! thanks for sending me here". i send to my dad yesterday then he just reply "tq". seriously i think he is cute.yala.. reply me with only 2 alphabets. but what else can i do? maybe someday i will be like him.(better he replied me like that rather than he repplied 'nie mesti nak pape nie')

this is my confession for you ayah,

1. you are the coolest person i ever meet!.

y? you never yelled at us eventhough sume anak lelaki kan? just kadang-kadang you have to. i know that. but that only happen during balik kampung. yela sape tak marah kalau kereta Pajero sebesar tidak tuh, bergoyang time tengah drive kat high way sebab anak-anak kesayangan die bergado dalam keta! for our own safety kan? haha.(time kecik2. nw dah tuka keta lain.n kami lagi senyap.sebab ade DVD player dalam keta!)

2. i like the way you train me.

you said to me before i entered STAR Ipoh 'haikal dah masuk sini, makne nye haikal dah boleh buat decision sendiri. ayah dah tak rotan anak-anak ayah above than standard 6.'(actually he never rotan or mad at me since im standard 4!).

3. you make me as your friend

thanks ayah for always respect my opinion, atleast i know you heard my voice. you also ask my opinion about some big decision. i still remember when you make your tesis for master, you ask me to read tons of historical books about Chin Peng, Sejarah Melayu, Tamadun Islam.Tamadun Eropah and Tamadun Indus, just to have a different point of view. a fresh view from 14 years old kid!

4. you are the most hord working guy!

thanks to your books, we the whole family can have a better life. actually my dad is part time writer. he wrote for Longman Publication on history books. all! from form 1 until for 6. including Sejarah Malaysia, Tamadun Asia Tenggara, Tamadun Eropah and what so ever. and im his part time type writer...

5. your smart and love books!

You are 47 years old now, and still studying! persue your study on Phd! i realy respect that. you can study, then you can write books. fuh.. its a lot of thing to do in one time. i duno how on earth you manage to do all that and still can be the best father for us! because of that.. i think insyaAllah after i graduate as a doctor, i will persue my study! i know you actually want one of you sons to be an imam, and you already asked fitri(my second bro) to do that for you because you can see since child i dont really into religious thingy. but im a different person now. so please choose one of this course for me

Bachelor of Islamic Sciences (Hons) In Fiqh & Usul Fiqh
Bachelor of Islamic Sciences (Hons) In Al-Hadith
Bachelor of Islamic Sciences (Hons) In the Science of Al-Quran

Bachelor of Islamic Sciences (Hons) in Da’wah and Usuluddin
Bachelor of Languages (Hons) in Arabic Language and Literature
Bachelor of Information Technology(Hons)
Bachelor of Information Technology(Hons) in Management Information System
Bachelor of Information Technology(Hons) in System Development and Administration
Bachelor of Business Administration(Hons)
Bachelor of Business Administration(Hons) in E-Commerce

p/s:im intrested the most btwn the 2 courses that i bold.

6 . your best quotes ever!

'Kalau boleh jawab semua soalan exam, bukan exam la name nye'-Mahdi Shuid

terbaik la ayah.. seriouslly i will pass this to our next genereation insyaAllah!

lastly, im not a soleh son.. i dont even know if my doa for you will be counted. but i will try my best be among the solehin just for you ayah.. just for you. thats the only thing i can do to repay all your kindness..your love..and your trust.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Qudsi 1 : kiddo

Narrated Abu Dhar(may Allah be pleased with him) : Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said that Allah said : He who comes with a good deed, its reward will be ten like that or even more. And he who comes with vice, his reward will be only one like that or I can forgive him. He who draws close to Me a hand's span, I will draw close to him an arm's length, I will draw near him a fathom's length. And whoever comes to Me walking, I will go to him running. And whoever faces Me with sins nearly as great as the earth, I will meet him with forgiveness nearly as great as that, provided he does not worship something with me.

(This Hadith is sound and reported by Muslim, Ibn Majah and Ahmad in his Musnad)

you maybe asking why am i puting that picture above? how is it can be related to this hadith? i will tell you the story about that kiddo above

i usually take my ablution at my house. then one day im in hurry, so just dashed down and take my ablution inside the mosque. i noticed one thing weird, why on earth there is soap here? at the ablution place.

then i saw this one kiddo around 8 or 9 years old, working as a mechanic come in. you maybe suprise right?when i said he is 9 but actually a mechanic. he is a child labour, which dont get any chance to know what book is. thats was his fate and actually i can say about 40% egyptian kids have the same fate like this kiddo.

enough with that introduction about this kiddo. then main story was during ablution. as i said before he is mechanic, please imagine how a mechanic look like, with oil all around their body. if cant imagine this. then please google about it. because why? this kiddo actually did used the soap at the ablution place to clean up all the oil at his face, hands and legs before take his ablution.

subhanallah, cant we see how hard this kiddo trying to be perfect before meet with his Creator? eventhough he have to clean up his body first, but he still come to mosque to perform solat al-jama'ah. so now try reflect it on us, can we be like this kid? who practically dont really have any future other than be a mechanic for the rest of his life, but still remember his Master and thankful to Him. on the other side, we who have everything and dont have to clean up our body from all those oily stuff, just go to the toilet and do ablution then perform solat.its so hard because some of us tend to leave im really touched with this kid. hopefully there will always Allah in his heart.

the conclusion is, no matter who we are, if we move a step towards Him, insyaAllah He will pay you back with things that you cant even imagine.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

fly away!

peta tempat kejadian!

gambar di hadapan Masjid Sultan Azlan Shah pada pukul 3 pagi

fly ialah perkataan yang sangat membanggakan untuk di ucapkan oleh seorang pelajar hostel tapi tidak untuk kami pelajar STAR Ipoh. kerana itu hanyalah perkara biasa. Fly bermaksud lompat pagar ataupun dengan erti kata lain (seperti tercatit dalam buku disiplin) ialah keluar tanpa kebenaran. di sini ade 3 kisah fly yang tidak dapat dilupakan sepanjang 5 tahun bergelar Starian.

1. Wirid yang panjang
peristiwa ini berlaku semasa di tingkatan 4, akibat terlalu panas berterawih di surau sekolah. saya dan rakan-rakan plan untuk solat terawih di Masjid Sultan Azlan Shah(ade aircond!) yang terletak lebih kurang 1 KM dari compound sekolah. persiapan tidak perlu di lakukan kerana kami sudah berada di tahap 'pro'. berbekalkan semangat yang jitu, kami berbuka puasa di dorm tidak di dewan makan. habis kenyang semua. selepas solat maghrib di dorm kami pon memulakan journey kami. dinding 6 kaki kami langkau dengan mudah. berbekalkan kain pelekat (payah gila nk panjat dinding tadi) , baju melayu dan songkok di kepala. kami kelihatan seperti orang biasa. alhamdulillah kami berjaya menunaikan solat terawih di masjid tersebut. tetapi bila ingin menunaikan solat witir, ramai jemaah yang keluar dari sof', maka sedikitlah jemaah yang tingal untuk menunaikan solat sunat witir. pedulikan jemaah itu semua. selepas saya memberi salam yang pertama dan memandang ke belakang, tiba-tiba tahap adrenalin melambung tinggi di dalam darah! perasaan apakah ini? owh tidak! rupanya seorang warden kami juga bersolat terawih di masjid yang sama! perasaan mula gundah gulana, akhirnya saya mengambil keputusan untuk tidak lagi menoleh kebelakang, dan terus berwirid panjang sambil memejamkan mata rapat-rapat! tetapi apakan daya, cikgu itu tetap menepuk bahuku yang asyik berwirid untuk beratur di luar masjid. kami hanya diberikan amaran dan berada dalam perhatian warden tersebut! alhaumdulillah

2.Plup! Wahahaah!
malam-malam selepas final exam. ape lagi nk buat? kami di paksa untuk pergi prep.tak pa. kami pergi. ade yang main ping pong kat kelas, ade yang tangkap gambar, ade yang menyakat orang(mcm kenal je sape nie). kami masih menjalankan tanggungjawab sebagai seorang pelajar. tetapi pabila siren pada pukul 11.45 malam iaitu siren menandakan kami perlu menutup semua lampu dorm(off light). sebenarnya siren itu juga telah meng'unleash'kan beast inside us! its show time! masa untuk berjuang counter strike! kumpulan satu sudah berada di CC. saya dalam kumpulan dua. seramai 8 orang! kami menyelinap keluar mengikut jalan belakang dobi lama. dobi usang yang berlongkang busuk!. semasa melalui belakang dobi lama, tiba-tiba ada kereta lalu berdekatan situ, dan ia kelihatan seperti lampu kereta waja (kereta PK HEP). saya berada di belakang barisan menjerit! lari ringgo(nickname PK HEP)!. dengan kegelabahan dalam kegelapan, semua orang melarikan diri, ada yang terus panjat keluar ada yang sorok di dalam dobi usang, ada yang mengecilkan diri di belakang pokok kelapa. tetapi saya hanya tergelak-gelak! kenapa? sebab ketika saya menjerit nama ringgo, saya terdengar bunyi Plup! seperti kaki seseorang termasuk di dalam longkang dobi yang busuk! rupanya rakan di hadapan yang kakinya termasuk di dalam longkang itu. walaupun takut dengan kereta ringgo, tetapi saya masih gelak di situ dan tidak melarikan diri. sebenarnya kereta tadi adalah kereta ibu bapa pelajar yang mungkin datang melawat. 7 pejuang meneruskan perjalankan untuk berperang. tetapi seorang lagi askar hanya pulang ke dorm dengan hati yang hampa dan selipar sebelah di kali.

3. Akak 7 Eleven
di musim SPM, kami selalunya stay up hingga 1-2 pagi. menjadi lumrah budak lelaki cepat lapar. oleh itu akan menempah makan dari luar untuk dimakan selepas prep malam. ade yang order nasi goreng kampung, nasi koboi(paling murah) or nasi pataya. tetapi nk di jadikan cerita, satu malam ini, mak cik kedai yang kami selalu tempah tutup kedai. kelaparan lah kami. oleh itu saya dan lagi 2 orang rakan bersetuju untuk fly pukul 2 pagi untuk pergi makan burger dan seterusnya insyaAllah meneruskan perjalanan untuk berqiamulai di masjid sultan azlan shah. jam menunjukkan pukul 2 pagi, kami pon memakai uniform kami iaitu kain pelekat, baju melayu dan songkok(seperti gambar di atas). kali ini kami mengikut jalan jauh tetapi tidak perlu panjang dinding setinggi 6 kaki. ade satu lubang rahsia di pagar berhadapan dengan dorm saya. tempat pertama di tuju ialah kedai burger. pernahkan merasa burger yang di celup black pepper sauce kemudian di lapik dengan 2 potong nenas segar dan di apit dengan 2 roti yang gebu?.haha.itulah menu kami malam itu. selepas membeli burger, kami pon masuk ke kedai 7 eleven untuk membeli slurppy! di kaunter pembayaran, akak yang menjada kaunter tersenyum-senyum. saya bertanya, 'kenapa gelak kak?'. dan akak tuh menjawab 'handsome dik pukul 2 pagi pki baju melayu nie.' adush! malu jugak! selepas keluar dari 7 eleven saya dapat melihat akak itu gelak berdekah-dekah! tapi tak pa. selepas semua selesai.makan pon dah.slurppy pon suda. kami menuju di masjid. tiba di sana seorang rakan menyuarakan, 'eh kita kene tido dulu, baru bley buat solat sunat tahjud.'.kami pon, cari 'port' belakang-belakang ckit, and landing kat situ.seronok ade aircond..lalu tertidur. jaga-jaga, bangun untuk berqiamulai, ku lihat pak cik-pak cik dan mak cik-mak cik sudah mahu pulang. dekat pukul 5 pagi sudah! aiyo!! kami pon bergegas pulang.tak jadi pon qiamulai!

rekod disiplin saya bersih selama 5 tahun. hanya ada 2 kesalahan dan kesalahan tersebut bukanlah fly.hehe. tapi inilah reality saya dahulu yang bergelar pelajar sekolah berasrama penuh.

Monday, June 14, 2010

110 days Journey of Qudsi

don't you think mankind are great? and it was writen in Al-Quran actually,

'We have indeed created man in the best of moulds'

Surah at-Tin : 4

but sometime we did lost our way, dont know what to do, where to go even how to what to think.

maybe we can prepared our self physically(IQ), but mentally(EQ)? how to deal with that?. because of this problem, there were businessman who cheating during dealing with customers because they are blinded by money. then not to mention corrupted politician which should be the savier of their community.

that is why Allah give us Islam. to fill our empty souls, to drive us to eternity sweetness as a slave to Allah and to create the ultimate creation in the whole universe which have all the potencial and to use it to the fullest.

Allah give human Al-Quran than HE sent us Prophet Muhammad, the greatest leader on earth to show us the way. then from Prophet Muhammad, we get Hadiths to explain and provide demonstrations about Allah's guidelines in Al-Quran.

'We have not sent thee but as a universal (Messenger) to men, giving them glad tidings, and warning them (against sin), but most men understand not.'

Surah Saba : 28

actually i got a book entitle '110 Ahadith Qudsi' for my birthday present. on behalf of that, i will try my best to share everything i get from this book. i will do my best to relate the hadiths with aour daily life or a story .insyaAllah.we learn together, we stay close, insyaAllah we will win one day!.

by the way Ahadith Qudsi in generall are group of hadith that the meaning come from Allah, but the wording come from Prophet Muhammad.

hopefully Allah will help me in this, may mercy and blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, Companions and all who follow him.


13 june 1991,
i was the date that i wont forget,
the 1st time i come to this world,
with hope from Allah that i will always praise HIM

Aku tidak menciptakan manusia melainkankan agar mereka beribadah kepada-Ku.

Surah Az-Zariyat, ayat 56

i didnt celebrate my birthday since standard 2,
when my family moved to Puchong and my opah(grandma) died.
pathetic enough right when you dont even know your birthday.
i did. i just realise my birthday when im standard 6 because it was writen on my ID.

before standard 2,
my parent did couples time birthday party for me,
then after standard 6, i went to STAR Ipoh,
celebrate my my siblings there with eggs.
but last year, suddently after i celebrate my birthday with my friends at mid valley
my parent held a suprise party for me, all my uncles and aunties gathering together
it was nice, for my last celebration with family

this year!
i celebrate with my 2 wing man
Wan Aminuddin and Hanif Omar.
thanks guys.
last but not least,
thanks for the present to anyone who gv me physical present or even literally present.
i realy appreciate everything

on behalf of me,
i want to make "kenduri doa selamat",but then i dont have enough of money
solat hajat alone was the least i can do.
to show im thankfull to HIM, for giving me the chance to live on earth all those years ago.
and i do ask, if my life after this will be good for me, let me live for till that moment happen

by the way! at 00.00 14th of june. gt suprise cake from my houmates.thanks! sedap kek buah tuh.aku dah la sehari tak makan pape. kenyang jugak!

p/s : sy tak kene prank! depa nk baling telo tak kena!

Friday, June 11, 2010

1st Rejab 1430-reborn

if we talk about Rejab, the first thing that will cross our mind must be the Night Journey of Isra and Mi'raj, which is the day Prophet Muhammad made a night -time trip to the city of Jerusalem (isra’), visited the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and from there was raised up into heaven (mi’raj). While there, he came face-to-face with previous prophets and received instructions about the number of prayers the Muslim community should observe each day

i have my own story about Rejab, if its not about 1st Rejab, i wont be the same person that you know right now. it was the day that i took my way back. its been a year now.

i have committed the delinquent sin that a youngster could ever done.after that black day, i keep on thinking about the thing, day and night. it bothering me for 3 months and i keep it all to myself without sharing the burden to anyone else.

those three months realy made me think about if i cant settle this problem? do i have to sacrifice with dream? my teenage life?. if i cant settle this problem, i will live as zombie for the rest of my life (a man without dream and live their day for the day only)

but then alhamdulillah He still love me, and make me think about how Allah create me as a human with pure heart. so i make my preparetion for my way back to HIM, i learn back everything, to know why i practising Islam all of these time.

during my learning period, i crossed something about if you take a step towards HIM, HE will come to you 7 steps further and come acrosse with this hadith

Hadis Abu Hurairah r.a:

Nabi s.a.w bersabda tentang apa yang baginda terima dari Allah s.w.t katanya: Seorang hamba Allah melakukan dosa, lalu berdoa: Wahai Tuhanku! Ampunkanlah dosaku. Allah s.w.t berfirman: Hamba-Ku telah melakukan dosa, tetapi dia tahu bahawa dia mempunyai Tuhan yang akan mengampunkan dosa atau menghukumnya kerana melakukan dosa. Kemudian hamba Allah tersebut kembali melakukan dosa, lalu berdoa: Wahai Tuhanku! Ampunkanlah dosaku. Allah s.w.t berfirman: Hamba-Ku melakukan dosa, tetapi dia tahu bahawa dia mempunyai Tuhan yang akan mengampunkan dosa atau menghukumnya kerana melakukan dosa. Kemudian hamba Allah tersebut kembali melakukan dosa, lalu berdoa: Wahai Tuhanku! Ampunkanlah dosaku. Allah s.w.t berfirman: HambaKu melakukan dosa, tetapi dia tahu bahawa dia mempunyai Tuhan yang akan mengampunkan dosa atau menghukumnya kerana melakukan dosa. Oleh itu buatlah sesuka hatimu, Aku akan ampunkan dosamu. Hamba tersebut berkata: Aku tidak tahu sehingga kali ketiga atau keempat aku meminta keampunan, tetapi Allah s.w.t tetap berfirman: Buatlah sesuka hatimu, Aku tetap akan mengampunkan dosamu

i try to seek forgiveness from HIM, until 1st Rejab come to me, during my salat, i said in my heart "Ya Allah, if you have forgive me, please help me to settle my problem, so all my mind and soul will be yours". i did cried during performing Salat Sunat Taubat in the evening of 1st Rejab. thats is why 1st Rejab is special for me. before this, i went to masjid and heard imam cried during prayer but i dont give a damn, but after 18 years i live on earth, that was the day that i managed to cry in my salat.

it doesnt end there, that night after maghrib, i received a call that end my problem! ALLAHUAKBAR! what have i done until Allah give this to me? to compare with anyone else on this world, im nothing. im a bad person but HE still help me..

i learned from the hard way but Alhamdulillah and thanks to Allah for the 1st Rehab 1430. i wont be me before, insyaAllah i will try to learn about u for the rest of my life. and my journey begin there.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

we are diamond!

i read dozens of blogs and tons of status at facebook condeming israel's action for deadly Gaza flotilla raid. some of them cant control the anger and just simply drop the 'F bomb'. is that what islam told us to do?

Abu Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him, reported:

Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: The strong man is not the one who wrestles well but the strong man is the one who controls himself when he is in a fit of rage

by the way i read some of the blogs and status said "im mentally distubed during examination week because of this matter" and "i am sad because of the unhumanity action done by israel but hopefully my attention wont loss to the world cup in coming!".

to think back, why all of sudden the millatfacebook appears? the profile pictures for gaza come out after this tragedy? to be honest, i am smiling when i wake up that morning and read the news. im monolog to my self "just 9 peoples dead can sparks such a gigantic wave of hatered on israel". can i ask something? how about the thousands of palestinian died yearly done by israel? no body care like this 9?. i salute these 9 peoples because they want to help palestinian. InsyaAllah, HE will give them special rewards, but how about the thousands? they died because of Allah! no other reason and we dont even care so much. are they half human or what? or is there any grade between palestinian and the other 9? maybe the 9 peoples are 1st grade human? and those thousands palestinian who died before just a bunch of 3rd grade peoples who dont have any price for their death?.

p/s: sorry if you think im sarcastic. but thats what i felt on this tragedy.

this one for zionist

thanks for doing all this. dont you see? when you done all this, the world gather their heart to againts you? espacially in the islam's world. we gather our strengh and pray for the palestinian. we are just like diamonds! who made by pressure. "the more you give pressure on us, the closer we get". one day, islam will win, and i think this is the key. the key to eternity winning for islam. do you know muslims are brothers.

"The Believers are but a single Brotherhood: so make peace and reconciliation between your two (contending) brothers; and fear Allah, that ye may receive Mercy"

(Surah Al-Hujarat : 10)

dont you learn from our history? Treaty of Hudaybiyyah, when Quraysh denied the Muslims entry into the city and posted themselves outside Mecca, determined to show resistance, even though the Muslims had no intention or preparation for battle. Prophet Muhammad sent Uthman as his envoy to meet with the leaders of Quraysh then The Quraysh made Uthman stay longer in Mecca than he originally planned This caused the Muslims to believe that Uthman had been killed by the people of Quraysh. On this occasion, Prophet Muhammad gathered his nearly 1,400 soldiers and called them to pledge to fight until death and avenge the rumoured death of Uthman, which they did by placing a hand on top of Muhammad's.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

beautifull in your own way

"Blessings abound for me as a Muslim woman: The freshness of ablution is mine, and the daily meditation zone of five prayers that involve graceful, yoga-like movements, performed in prayer attire. Prayer scarves are a chapter in themselves, cool and comforting as bedsheets.These create a tent of tranquility. The serene spirit sent from God is called by a feminine name, "sakinah," in the Quran, and I understand why some Muslim women like to wear their prayer clothes for more than prayer, to take that sakinah into the world with them. I, too, wear a (smaller) version of the veil when I go out. What a loss it would be for me not to have in my life this alternating structure, of covering outdoors and uncovering indoors."

wrote by : an american muslim woman

this article's link posted by maher zain. when i read this, i amused with this woman. how she felt gratefull as a muslimah and she dont fell any inferiority complex eventhough being surrounded by 'hot girls' everyday. alhamdulillah. then make me think, why ist some of muslim girls like to wear all those sexy-sexy stuff? to be honest as a man, we know what you have. but i dont think if some of us realy want to have a wife will pick you, because we dont want other guys talking about our wife's body shape. ist those skinny dress actually a fasion? if it does, dont you think there must be islamic fasion also? i do like women in baju kurung but i know its not realy practicle for active women right?. there are jilbab with trousers. i also sometimes wearing jubah for men, and its hot inside actually.hehe.

"Alhamdulillah saya dapat merasakan ketenangan jiwa di Tanah Haram Masjidil Haram ini ketika menunaikan haji.dapat menumpukan perhatian sepenuhnya kepada ibadat. mungkin ini semua hadir bila melihat wanita-wanita di sini semuanya berjilbab dan tiada ruang untuk nafsu(yang tidak elok) bermain di hati."

wrote by : a blogger who executed hajj

for me as a youngster, the biggest thing to deal during teenage time is to control our hormones! and avoid our seilf form zina!.its hard. can you help us? by creating an atmosphere where muslimah wearing jilbab so there wont be any reason for us to see what we shouldnt to?. ever heard about men have 9 minds to think and only one for lust. but for women, they have 9 minds for lust but only one mind for thinking. dont you think the 9 minds that control one lust mind will bring more hazardous because when those 9 minds combine to think about what to do with one lust, they will come out with so many ideas. its hard for a normal person to resist zina, only the choosen one can do this

Dan sungguh, perempuan itu telah berkehendakan kepadanya(Yusuf). Dan Yusuf pun berkehendakkan kepadanya sekiranya dia tidak melihat tanda (dari) Tuhannya. Demikian Kami palingkan darinnya keburukkan dan kekejian. Sungguh, dia(Yusuf) termasuk hamba kami yang terpilih

(Surah Yusuf : 24)

in conclusion, hopefully all muslimah will feel the same way as that american woman which proud practising islam. and islamic fashion growing up like mushroom now.they are gorgeous! seriously and i have a special request here, hopefully Maher zain will sing a song about how beautifull women in jilbab. because i know my writing here wont bring any changes. but if he sing that song, the whole world will open their eyes.

p/s : i wrote this entry because when i search jubah for my mumy, then i realise, hey these girls are beautifull eventhough they wearing jubah. btw help me to choose the best jubah for my mumy either the maroon one or the black one in the pictures above.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

a fly and a pyrosol

im having my lunch at one stall near my house. ordered kuftah(home made hot dog) and asob wa limun (sugarcane juice with lemon). then while waiting for my kuftah, i read my notes..

then there they are, my kuftah and asob wa limun. ok i ate the kuftah first, finish with kuftah i wanted to drink. suddently i found a fly inside my drink! what!

out of the blue, this hadith pop out in my mind.

Dari Abu Hurairah bahwasanya Rasulullah bersabda:

“Apabila lalat jatuh di bejana salah satu diantara kalian maka celupkanlah karena pada salah satu sayapnya terdapat penyakit dan pada sayap lainnya terdapat obat penawarnya”.

then i think..ok..why dont i give a try? if its Prophet Muhammad said, then it must be a true theory. so i dip in the fly then throw it away. fuh..

moment of truth.. i drank it slowly till half glass..why ist taste like pyrosol? i think that fly just get sprayed by pyrosol la. haiyoo!!!

but dont worry. Prophet Muhammad never lie to you. because im still alive to tell you this story.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

get your dream body!

maybe last century, a man dont have to worry about their look, their personality or their attire because apparently their parent will find a mate for them, but it is a big deal for a millenium man like us!. because now days when we talking about dream guy, the chicks will said a muscular guy, then if you ask for the guys about their dream girl, they will say hot shape!

so here i am, writing how to get those dream body shape from islam perspective. you dont have to go or treatment at 'London Weight Management' or try dozens of dietary method. just simply follow al-Quran and Hadiths, insyaAllah we can get a perfect body shape!

for dietary intake

1. “Makan dan minumlah, tapi jangan berlebih-lebihan. Sesungguhnya Allah tidak menyukai orang-orang yang berlebih-lebihan.”

(Al-A’raf ayat 31)

2. “Kami adalah orang-orang yang tidak makan, kecuali setelah lapar, dan bila makan, kami tidak sampai kenyang.”

(H.R. Abu Dawud)

3. ”Tidak ada suatu wadah yang diisi penuh oleh anak Adam yang lebih jelek melebihi perutnya. Cukuplah baginya beberapa suapan kecil untuk menegakkan tulang belakangnya. Jika tidak mungkin, sepertiga untuk makanannya, sepertiga untuk minumannya, dan sepertiga lagi untuk nafasnya,”

(HR Imam Ahmad, At-Tirmidzi, Ibnu Majah, Al-Hakim)

Allah already said in Quran right? to eat what u need not what u desire to. then Prophet Muhammad explain through his hadiths, how much actually a man need to make a living. if we realy follow all this this, insyaAllah there wont be any obes probs and you will get ideal body shape.

then how to get muscular body?

1. Rasulullah bersabda, "ajarilah anak-anak kalian berkuda, berenang dan memanah" (Riwayat Sahih Bukhari/Muslim)

2. Sabda Rasulullah SAW : “Lemparkanlah (panah) dan tunggangilah (kuda).” (Riwayat Muslim)

about archering, you realy need to use chest muscles (serratus anterior) and arm muscles such as biceps. its not an easy sport actually. i tried before and my hand shake like hell during aiming!so basicly, if you master archering.insyaAllah your will get well built chest and arms .

then, everybody know about swimmer's chest right? they have wide chest. fuyoh..if its in malay they will say "dada bidang!". but for women maybe they think its hard to wear swimming suit right? about aurat and all that,

maybe you can go for horse riding, its good for your posture and your back insyaAllah.

therefore, in islam there were so many tips to have a well built body. why dont we just use it?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

for mosquitoes

Dari Asma’ binti Abu Bakar radhiyallahu ‘anha, jika beliau membuat roti Tsarid maka beliau tutupi roti tersebut dengan sesuatu sampai panasnya hilang. Kemudian beliau berkata, “Aku mendengar Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda, “Sesungguhnya hal tersebut lebih besar berkahnya.” (HR. Darimi no. 2047 dan Ahmad no. 26418, Syaikh al-Albani memasukkan hadits ini dalam Silsilah Shahihah no. 392)

since now days, Egypt's weather getting hotter. just imagine 41°C during night at Zagazig!, so i think my body temperature also increase. and logically my blood temperature also increase right?. actually its sizzling inside my body.haha

for mosquitoes..its not like i dont want to share my blood. i know its your 'food'. your rezeki. but then.. my prophet said, better not to eat something while its too u better wait it to cold a little bit.maybe during winter?hehe.