Thursday, January 28, 2010

love to heaven

If you go and ask any ustaz or ulama, most of them wont let youngster like us to couple..its hard to be alone now days and just see ur friends have their own couple.wats the solution they will suggest to you?ulama they will just said "hang p nikah la senang cita",those young ustazs plak ' pon couple gak dulu, tp dik..couple nie x bgs.takut zina.baik clash sekarang jugak'.from my point of view, the main problem here is zina.Nabi Muhammad s.a.w oso said bout this:

Hadis Abu Hurairah r.a:
Nabi Muhammad s.a.w bersabda : Allah telah mencatatkan anak Adam cenderung epada perbuatan zina. Keinginan tersebut tidak dapat dielakkan lagi. Dimana mereka akan melakukan zina mata dalam bentuk pandangan, zina mulut dalam bentuk pertuturan, zina hati iaitu cita-cita dan berkeinginan untuk mendapatkannya manakala kemaluanlah yang menentukannya berlaku atau tidak.

now i come out with one solution, for those who still couple ryte now maybe you can take this to be consider.u can couple as long as you leave all types of zina?can you?all i mean till zina hati!.if you can do this..that wud be great! bt very dangerous ryte?but in marketing strategy the more risk you dare to take the more income you will get.just ask your self honestly whether you can do this or not? there's other solution if you cant

Nabi Muhammad s.a.w bersabda :Barangsiapa jatuh cinta, kemudian menahan dirinya, tidak meluahkan perasaannya dan bersabar terhadap ujian tersebut lalu meninggal dunia maka matinya itu adalah syahid”
Bagi insan-insan yang tidak dapat menahan dirinya daripada perkara haram dan tidak dapat bersabar menerima ujian, maka jalan yang dilaluinya itu bakal membawanya kepada perkara keji. Akhirnya akan “membunuh dirinya” atau “membunuh orang lain” lalu dia dikira fasik di sisi Tuhan-Nya

i highly recommend this type of love since youngster dont have enought strength to get married and when you done this insyaAllah eventho u die before you get married u will get pahala syahid

(i wrote this entry base on my shallow knowledge in Islam.if there is someone who dont agree with me, to be my pleasure if you can comment on this blog and tell me the reason.furthermore im in serious relationship before, so i think i know how does it feel just dumb someone you love.its hard.but to whom still couple and take da 1 solution.i wish you gud luck.even i cant do dat.dats y i take da second solution )


Unknown said...

praise b 2 gOd..
like dis...(thumbs uP)

Shasha Ira said...

ada kawan ckp ari 2 kan...
hadis yg kedua 2 x sahih,huhu..
tp better try tny org len lg..hehe