for god sake!i never know or want to know bout my birthday in hajj one seems to care bout dat.for me?i dun even know own birthday til standart 4 then..yesterday..i got sum ligth for Allah..the curiosity to know when was the day i got birth in hajj calender..
im googling dis morning to find the birthday converter then..the result is 29 Dhu al-Qi'dah 1411!after 18 years and a half.i just found dat i born on dat date..the day i be a muslim.the day i heard my 1st azan.and the day i start my journey as a servant for THE GREATEST ALLAH.
Alhamdulillah..hidayah comes from Allah and HE's the only 1 can give that.bare dat in ur mind.
aku pun smpai mesir gak gory. tp aku x dpt hidayah mcm ko lg. x secepat ko la. heh.
x pe bro.setapak ko mendekati Allah.7 tapak Allah mendekati ko.insyaAllah kau akan dapat sumtin nnt
ak 13 rabiulawal 1411..huhu..sje je nk gtau..~_~
hahaha.ko cnvert ka mane?or mmg ko da tau lame?
ak 24 muharram..hehe..
nk jgk ckp ;)
hai..slamat aku kenal due je aisha n aishah.klu x sure rmi lg yg bg tau.hahaha.weyh!24 muharram bkn ari ahad lepas e?happy birthday la aishah.da day u heard ur 1st azan.nk adiah?? ak snanya siti aishah..Sje itch nk buang h..Hmm..Ak tau lme da..Ta0n lpas kal0 x silap..Ak c0nvert kt fb.. same la nie.bgs2.
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