Friday, April 16, 2010


"Maka berkahwinlah dengan sesiapa yang kamu berkenan dari perempuan dua, tiga atau empat. Kemudian jika kamu bimbang tidak dapat berlaku adil, maka (berkahwinlah dengan) seorang sahaja atau (kahwinilah) hamba-hamba perempuan yang kamu miliki. Yang demikian itu adalah lebih dekat supaya kamu tidak melakukan kezaliman."
surah an-Nisa': Ayat 3

*i sure the men will be on my side after this. but please it till the end.

polygamy is the practice of a person's making him/herself available for two or more spouses to mate with. Polygamy can be practiced as polygyny (one man having more than one wife), or as polyandry (one woman having more than one husband),. but why islam only allow the polygyny? not polyandry? it seems like the men got advantage here. but here, insyaAllah i will try to explain why Islam only allow polygyny.

first of all, clearly stated up there, in the 3rd sentence of surah an-Nisa that guys can marry 1, 2, 3 or 4. not mention there for women.

secondly, we turn back the clock when th time Allah create Hawa from Prophet Adam's rib

"Wahai manusia! Bertakwalah kepada tuhanmu yang telah menciptakan kamu dari yang satu(Adam) dan (Allah) menciptakan pasangannya(Hawa) dari (diri)nya dan dari kedua-duanya Allah memperkembangbiakkan lelaki dan perempuan yang banyak. bertakwalah kepada Allah dengan nama-Nya kamu saling meminta dan (periharalah) hubungan kekeluargaan.Sesungguhnya Allah selalu menjaga dan mengawasimu."
surah an-Nisa, ayat 1

so you come from a man, not the vise versa. you have to find your owner.only one.but for the men, they have to find their ribs. 12 pairs!
here i will give you another 2 logical reason to support my point

firstly, if you manage to find 4 guys that want to your husband and syukrillah your pregnant. who is the father for you child? if man having 4 wife. we still can detect the father for your child.

owh..maybe you can say, now days we can know the father using DNA is my second reason, how about, if all of your husband demand for 5 children each. you will pregnant for 20 times! but for man, if their wifes demand 5 children each, insyaAllah they manage to give a try atleast.

im writing this entry not because i give a hint that im going to practice poligami. i dont even have the candidate for my first wife. but my intention is, to let the women realy understand and accept poligami with full hearted and open arms insyaAllah.


Muhammad Eimaduddin said...

i like this post!!!

Aishafarhana Radzi said...

bila ariff berbicara mengenai poligami.....payung emas!i think u shud gve too another more reason yg kuat sket..haha~

the cerebro said...

eimad-hahaha.i like it too!

aishah-reason yg kuat2 lg x boleh bg kat cnie.nnt guys salah gune.keh3