Friday, April 30, 2010

the bullet train

Sensei Ainun Maziah Abdul Rahman

im a japanese language student for 4 years but please dont you ever ask me to speak. i dont remember a word! but one thing i do remember, an article about shinkansen in our japanese text book. some extra information here. Shinkansen is the world's busiest high-speed rail line with 151 milion passangers a year. but maybe it well known as a high speed train which is can reach to 581 km/h. just imagine you can travel from KL to Perlis just with in one hour.

when we discuss about the shinkansen, my sensei said "saye dulu eventhough shinkansen nie laju and jimat mase, tapi saye still ambek train biase. sebab kite nak tour japan kan. we have to feel the experience. kalo naek shinkansen. tengok luar tingkap nak kire gunung pon tak sempat!"

i agree with my sensei, sometimes we have to feel what we have to. some goes to all my friends in egypt who trying to change to be a better person. the deeper you fell, the harder to fall back on but its worth for the experiences (my first quotes)

its never to late to change. everyone have their own zaman jahilliyah right? doesn't matter where you start but it does matter where you end. just look at khulafah ar-rasyidin, they have done something bad during back days but why Allah promise a place for them in heaven? think it wise and make a move.

Wahai orang-orang beriman! Mengapa apabila dikatakan kepada kamu "Berangkatlah di jalan Allah", kamu merasa berat dan ingin tinggal di tempatmu? Apakah kamu lebih menyenangi kehidupan di dunia daripada kehidupan akhirat? Padahal kenikmatan hidup di dunia ini (dibandingkan dengan kehidupan) di akhirat hanyalah sedikit - Surah at-Taubah, ayat 38

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

amusing lines

الله اكبر
(Allah is the greatest!)

أشهد أن لا اله إلا الله
(I testify that there is no deity except for Allah)

أشهد أن محمدا رسول الله
(I testify that Muhammad is a Messenger of Allah)

حي على الصلاة
(Make haste towards the prayer)

حي على الفلاح
(Make haste towards success)

الله أكبر
(Allah is the greatest!)

لا إله إلا الله
(There is no deity except for Allah)

the only time we treasure azan when it comes ramadhan. still remember the memories with my 3rd bro. we always wait for the azan at channel RTM 1 then ran downstairs while shouting "dah bukak pose!" (not to mention i will pull him behind if he start to run down frist.hahaha.). but on top of second bro 'paling untung!' because he just wait downstairs with my parent and take the "ayam besar" or "udang banyak" put in his plate first. when my 3r bro and i shouting he will start his main course.

Hadis Abdullah bin Umar r.a katanya:

Ketika orang-orang Islam sampai di Madinah, mereka berkumpul lalu memperkatakan tentang waktu sembahyang. Tiada seorang pun yang menyeru kepadanya. Semasa mereka berbincang tentang perkara tersebut, sebahagian daripada mereka berkata: Bunyikanlah loceng sebagaimana loceng orang Nasrani. Manakala sebahagian lagi berkata: Bunyikanlah trompet seperti trompet orang Yahudi. Kemudian Umar berkata: Mengapa kamu tidak menyuruh seseorang agar menyerukan sembahyang? Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: Wahai Bilal! Bangunlah dan serukan untuk sembahyang

but what actually azan is? do you ever think about that? ist just a bunch of lines that telling you its time to pray or its time to break your fast? for me its more than that. its some sort of neutraliser of the day. dont you think so? yeah maybe we always thinking about work, study, problems or everything about duniawi but suddently there is some one who will remind you 5 times per day that ALLAH is the Greatest and let us meet HIM, our creator.

furthermore, azan is a speacial motivation for muslim. yeah maybe some of us ever said that "owh aku dah tak tau nak buat pape dah" or "malas dah aku nak keje". hey! wait a minute. if we realy-realy feel the azan, we know we have to move towards excellent!حي على الفلاح(Hayya 'alal-falāh). come on! dont we realise all this?

Hadis Abu Said Al-Khudriy r.a:

Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: Apabila kamu mendengar azan maka ucaplah sebagaimana yang disebut oleh tukang azan

there. our prophet Muhammad telling us to repeat what the muazzin said. why? because using repeatition insyaAllah all those lines will absorb in our heart. just imagine if all those azan's lines absorbed into our heart. what person will we be? the 1 who afraid of Allah, the one who always remember Rasullulah, the one who strive for Islam insyaAllah.

last but not least, azan is the best introduction on Islam for the non-muslim. indirect dakwah. azan showing them how Islam believe in one god that is Allah and salat actually the key to success not a ritual that wasting your time.

let us sit down.. and think back, azan is the first word that we heard right after delivery. and till now we hear it 5 times a day. why dont we take the benefit from it?

Friday, April 23, 2010


Hadis Anas r.a katanya:
Aku melihat Rasulullah s.a.w mengangkat kedua tangan baginda semasa berdoa sehingga ternampak keputihan di bawah ketiak baginda

when i read this hadith, i was.. wow!thats high ya Rasullulah where you raised your hands! then i started to think, am i doing the same thing during doa?. why is He(Prophet Muhammad) have to raise his hand that high eventhough he knows that Allah realy love him. he can ask anything. but me? where am i? and why i am so arrogant to do the same thing?or shame to raise my hand that high infront of others?

people keep on saying that, we as a muslim have "the great voucher" which is doa. the non-muslim, from whom they will ask for help? maybe some say they dont have to doa or ask anything from Allah because they have everything. so why we should asking for help from Allah, cant we be more independent like the non-muslim. your wrong. Allah gave them everything because HE love HIS creation. ALLAH AL-MIGHTY, MOST GENEROUS and MOST MERCIFUL.

if HE can give it to the non-muslim, how about us? im sure HE can give us something better form the non-muslim right? wALLAHhualam. it is just the matter of whether we ask anything from HIM or not, if we did before, insyaAllah HE will give us, because HE is the creator anyway. HE also promise in Surah Ikhlas. by the way this surah actually for bilal bin robah when he being toutured by his master. then Allah give this surah to Prophet Muhammad to calm down bilal bin robah and tell him that Allah is everything.:

Katakanlah (Muhammad) "Dialah Allah yang Maha Esa" [1]
Allah tempat meminta segala sesuatu [2]

my fellow friends. maybe we are hoping so much on human to help us until we forget HE is the ONE. we will try everything to get what we want even if we have to sacrifice our dignity sometimes. but if you seek the thing from Allah, HE just ask you to realy believe in HIM.

Monday, April 19, 2010

a good son

Nabi Muhammad S.A.W berkata kepada Umar dan Ali : “Dizaman kamu nanti akan lahir seorang insan yang doa dia sangat makbul. Kamu berdua pergilah cari dia. Dia akan datang dari arah Yaman, dia dbesarkan di Yaman. Dia akan muncul dizaman kamu, carilah dia. Kalau berjumpa dengan dia mintak tolong dia berdoa untuk kamu berdua.”

who is that man?why ist he got such that give from Allah?

he is Uwais al-Qarani.
Dia asalnya berpenyakit sopak, badannya putih, putih penyakit yang tidak digemari. Walaupun dia sopak tetapi dia seorang yang soleh, terlalu mengambil berat tentang ibunya yang uzur dan lumpuh. Dia telah begitu tekun untuk mendapatkan keredhaan ibunya. Bapa dia meninggal dunia ketika dia masih kecil lagi. Dia sopak sejak dilahirkan dan ibunya menjaga dia sampai dia dewasa.

Satu hari ibunya memberitahu kepada Uwais bahawa dia ingin sangat untuk pergi mengerjakan haji. Dia menyuruh Uwais supaya mengikhtiarkan dan mengusahakan agar dia dapat dibawa ke Mekah untuk menunaikan haji.

Sebagai seorang yang miskin, Uwais tidak berdaya untuk mencari perbelanjaan untuk ibunya kerana pada zaman itu kebanyakan orang untuk pergi haji dari Yaman ke Mekah mereka menyediakan beberapa ekor unta yang dipasang diatasnya “Haudat”. Haudat ini seperti rumah kecil yang diletakkan di atas unta untuk melindungi panas matahari dan hujan, selesa dan perbelanjaannya mahal. Uwais tidak mampu untuk menyediakan yang demikian, unta pun dia tidak ada, nak sewa pun tidak mampu.

Ibu Uwais semakin uzur maka ibunya mendesak dan berkata kepada anaknya “Anakku mungkin ibu dah tak lama lagi akan bersama dengan kamu, ikhtiarkanlah agar ibu dapat mengerjakan haji”.

Uwais mendapat suatu ilham, dia terfikir apa nak dibuat. Dia membeli seekor anak lembu yang baru lahir dan dah habis menyusu. Dia membuat sebuah rumah kecil (pondok) di atas sebuah “Tilal” iaitu sebuah tanah tinggi (Dia buat rumah untuk lembu itu di atas bukit).

Apa yang dia lakukan, pada petang hari dia dukung anak lembu untuk naik ke atas “Tilal”. Pagi esoknya dia dukung lembu itu turun dari “Tilal” untuk diberi makan. Itulah yang dilakukannya setiap hari. Ada ketikanya dia mendukung lembu itu mengelilingi bukit tempat dia beri lembu itu makan.

Perbuatan yang dilakukannya ini menyebabkan orang kata dia ini gila. Memang pelik, buatkan rumah untuk lembu diatas bukit, kemudian setiap hari usung lembu, petang bawa naik, pagi bawa turun bukit.

Tetapi sebenarnya niatnya baik. Kalau lembu kita buat begitu pagi sekali petang sekali daripada lembu yang beratnya 20kg, selepas enam bulan lembu itu sudah menjadi 100kg. Otot-otot (muscle) tangan dan badan Uwais menjadi kuat hinggakan dengan mudah mengangkat lembu seberat 100kg turun dan naik bukit.

Selepas lapan bulan dia buat demikian telah sampai musim haji, rupa-rupanya perbuatannya itu adalah satu persediaan untuk dia membawa ibunya mengerjakan haji. Dia telah memangku ibunya dari Yaman sampai ke Mekkah dengan kedua tangannya. Dibelakangnya dia meletakkan barang-barang keperluan seperti air, roti dan sebagainya. Lembu yang beratnya 100kg boleh didukung dan dipangku inikan pula ibunya yang berat sekitar 50kg. Dia membawa (mendukung dan memangku) ibunya dengan kedua tangannya dari Yaman ke Mekah, mengerjakan Tawaf, Saie dan di Padang Arafah dengan senang sahaja. Dan dia juga memangku ibunya dengan kedua tangannya pulang semula ke Yaman dari Mekah.

Setelah pulang semula ke rumah dia di Yaman, Ibu dia berkata kepada dia “ Uwais, apa yang kamu berdoa sepanjang kamu berada di Mekah?”. Uwais menjawab “Saya berdoa minta supaya Allah mengampunkan semua dosa-dosa ibu”. Ibunya bertanya lagi “Bagaiman pula dengan dosa kamu”. Uwais menjawab “Dengan terampun dosa ibu, ibu akan masuk syurga, cukuplah ibu redha dengan saya maka saya juga masuk syurga”.

amazing right? where he put his mum in his heart. but back to the main agenda. actually i want to write about 'son should put his mother first in any situation.'

Aisyah r.a berkata, “Aku bertanya kepada Rasulullah, siapakah yang lebih besar haknya terhadap wanita?” Jawab Rasullullah SAW “Suaminya.” “Siapa pula berhak terhadap lelaki?” Jawab Rasullah SAW, “Ibunya.”

form this hadith clearly we can see which one more important, our mum or our future wife(better if i say special girlfriend because all my friends havent married yet). i know some of us who arent lucky havin a forbidden love relationship.

what i mean forbidden love relationship? a relationship that our parent or mum dont bless it. its hard when it comes to heart matter right. eventhough our parent dont bless it, we still try to stand for it. romantic right? otak hang romantic!

your mum carry you everywhere she go during 9 months of you think,if you ask your gf to put on 3kgs back on her tummy for 9 months. will they stay with you?. furthermore, atleast your mum gona give you 2-3 months breast feeding. try on your future wife. ask her to make a cup of milk every time when you come back from work. there must be 1 day she will say "sory la bang.aye kosong je hari ni.saya bz hari ni.".

so please guy, put your mum the place where they belong. for whom having forbidden love. let us turn back to our mum. leave that forbidden gf. InsyaAllah HE will replace it with someone better for us.

Friday, April 16, 2010


"Maka berkahwinlah dengan sesiapa yang kamu berkenan dari perempuan dua, tiga atau empat. Kemudian jika kamu bimbang tidak dapat berlaku adil, maka (berkahwinlah dengan) seorang sahaja atau (kahwinilah) hamba-hamba perempuan yang kamu miliki. Yang demikian itu adalah lebih dekat supaya kamu tidak melakukan kezaliman."
surah an-Nisa': Ayat 3

*i sure the men will be on my side after this. but please it till the end.

polygamy is the practice of a person's making him/herself available for two or more spouses to mate with. Polygamy can be practiced as polygyny (one man having more than one wife), or as polyandry (one woman having more than one husband),. but why islam only allow the polygyny? not polyandry? it seems like the men got advantage here. but here, insyaAllah i will try to explain why Islam only allow polygyny.

first of all, clearly stated up there, in the 3rd sentence of surah an-Nisa that guys can marry 1, 2, 3 or 4. not mention there for women.

secondly, we turn back the clock when th time Allah create Hawa from Prophet Adam's rib

"Wahai manusia! Bertakwalah kepada tuhanmu yang telah menciptakan kamu dari yang satu(Adam) dan (Allah) menciptakan pasangannya(Hawa) dari (diri)nya dan dari kedua-duanya Allah memperkembangbiakkan lelaki dan perempuan yang banyak. bertakwalah kepada Allah dengan nama-Nya kamu saling meminta dan (periharalah) hubungan kekeluargaan.Sesungguhnya Allah selalu menjaga dan mengawasimu."
surah an-Nisa, ayat 1

so you come from a man, not the vise versa. you have to find your owner.only one.but for the men, they have to find their ribs. 12 pairs!
here i will give you another 2 logical reason to support my point

firstly, if you manage to find 4 guys that want to your husband and syukrillah your pregnant. who is the father for you child? if man having 4 wife. we still can detect the father for your child.

owh..maybe you can say, now days we can know the father using DNA is my second reason, how about, if all of your husband demand for 5 children each. you will pregnant for 20 times! but for man, if their wifes demand 5 children each, insyaAllah they manage to give a try atleast.

im writing this entry not because i give a hint that im going to practice poligami. i dont even have the candidate for my first wife. but my intention is, to let the women realy understand and accept poligami with full hearted and open arms insyaAllah.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

why are you supporting palestine?

there was enormous campaigns held all around the world to support palestine from every angle. im sure every each of us used to participate in this matter. but why? do you know why are you supporting palestine and palestinian?

ist because you think they deserve peace? ist because you believe that palestine is their land? ist because you pity about the palestinian? ist because u cried when you saw pictures around palestine? ist because they are your relative?

ask your self my friend..why are you supporting them. if its all about human right.yes. even non-muslim can think that way. but if its because we are all muslim which is relative literally

Hadis diriwayatkan oleh al-lmam Muslim.

Daripada Abu Hurairah r.a. beliau berkata: Rasulullah SAW telah bersabda: Janganlah kamu saling dengki mendengki, tipu menipu, benci membenci, belakang membelakangi antara satu sama lain. Janganlah sebahagian kamu menjual barangan atas jualan orang lain. Hendaklah kamu menjadi hamba-hamba Allah yang bersaudara. Seorang muslim adalah saudara bagi seorang muslim; dia tidak boleh menzaliminya, membiarkannya (dalam kehinaan), membohonginya dan menghinanya. Ketaqwaan itu di sini - sambil Baginda menunjuk ke dadanya sebanyak tiga kali - Cukuplah seseorang itu mendapat keburukan apabila dia menghina saudaranya yang muslim. Setiap orang muslim ke atas muslim itu haram darahnya, hartanya dan maruah dirinya.

if it realy because of we are relative, then ask your self if what you have done before enough for them? and do you help them as they are your relative. if found this during my research " When the Nazis started rounding up Jews in France, the Union des Juifs hid thousands of Jewish children among anti-Nazis across the country. My parents were killed. But a brave peasant family in Auvergne, at great risk, took me in and hid me. And that is why I am here today", she's jews and saved during Hitlerism. why cant we do the same thing to palestinian children? adopt them.there wont be a package delivery of israel soldier with palestinian children infront of your what are you afraid of? those french parent dare to hide those jews children even they know the Hitler's troops can knock their door at any time.

maybe we can do like what the french parent had done. but atleast, re-think why are you supporting palestine.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


the 12 Wali's tomb

i just come back from tombs tour around El-Murshi Mosque,Alexandria. The 12 Wali's Tombs, Yaaqut al-Arsh' Tombs, Imam al-Busini and other Prophet Muhammad relatives are among the tombs that you can find there.

everytime i entered the tombs and heard the explanation from the ustaz, i felt ashame with "them". All those great people lying infront of me.why i should felt ashamed? because of how they sacrifice their life for Allah, how they took care their relationship with Allah and how much they had contribute to the society.but me?where am i?

why i name this entry as heroes?if you watched Heroes (tv series), there was bunch of human with supernatural power.but ist worth if the hero can do time travel but then he cant do anythng to change it eventhough he know what will happen next.for me its better if u got a dream with Prophet Muhammad, and He teach you about qasidah(poet that praised Prophet Muhammad) like what Imam al-Busiri got. Atleast his qasidah can do the "time travel" for him.secondly its worth if u can shouts as loud as in kung fu hustle movie but do you think the shout can be heard till the throne of (Arash) like what Yaqut al-Arshi had done?

the highest supernatural power anyone can achive for me is the sufian life.its hard to get till that level, but atleast we can study how they manage their life and practising them as much as we can in our daily life insyaAllah.

Monday, April 5, 2010

the nile river

its a great river. before i came to egypt, when i heard bout nile river straight away pyramid pop out from my mind. yeah because of this river, the pharaoh could create a great civilisation in the midlle of desert.

There was a time when Caliph Umar Al-Khattab put Amru Al-As as the governor of that new Muslim territory. there was news that the river of Nile soon would be dry, and hence, the Egyptians planned to do an ancient ceremony which was to sacrifice a girl for the river. They pushed Amru to do the ceremony but Amru insisted to not doing it as it opposed to Islam tradition.That situation forced Amru to write upon Caliph Umar in Medina for his opinion.Then, Caliph Umar replied his answer in a letter. When the letter was received by Amru, he noticed that the letter was not for him but instead for the Nile itself. Before he threw the letter into the drying Nile, he read the letter and it wrote:

“This letter is sent to the river of Nile by Umar, servant of Allah and Commander of the Believers. O river of Nile, if the water is flowed on your will, behold that we do not need it. But if it flows in the will of Allah, thus, we pray to Him to let flow the water in the river.”

After the letter was thrown into the river, the river was filled with water up to forty-eight feet deep in the same night

how special is this river. just imagine if Islam is the nile river, we are the branches and the water is our knowledge about Islam.

we are all from the main branche of the nile river but the different is the distance between us and the main nile river. maybe the one who alim about islam, they were the big branches and as people like me just the small branch of nile, but the water still flowing inside me.

for the da'ie who trying to give dakwah to the small braches, you cant expect them to change dramaticly, but you can deeping this small branche's river bed other then widen then width.because usually we can see the small branches people sighing "ko tu alim sangat ke?aku pon islam jugak.asl ko nk cakap aku berdosa.sape ko nk judge aku?dosa pahala ALLAH punye".

and for the small branches, just open your heart, deepen ur river bed.maybe theres something the big branches want to say.give them the chance.

basicly what im trying to say here is we are all Islam. the slave of Allah. we came from the same place.dont pre-judge others. and let us come back to our main branch

*sorry bout the long post and not realy straight post.but for whom dat can understand wat it is.thanks.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


back when im in standard 5, my primary school accommdate a class for special student or in other words spastic children.

everyday i saw their parents gona come and clean up their son/daugther class at the 1st floor. see? how special they are, to have parent like that.not everyone can get their parent to send them to the school everyday ryte?.

but the main thing i want to share is, their pure heart. there was a girl i forget her name. she's well known as a runner because she will chase anyone who tease her. on the sport day, there was 4x4 event for special class student. we know who gona be the winner n she's leading that time, just another 5 steps she will be the winner, BUT she's turning back. why??? just to help her friend to get up from the ground. i tought that thing just gona happen in the movie.but..its LIVE!

aren't that pure hearted?do you have one?i know, some of us will feel akward when u saw them before at the mall or giving them so weird looked. but please..treat them as a human. do you think they want to be like that?its hard enought for them to live like that, dont make it them.

“Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, jauhilah banyak dari berperasangka, sesungguhnya sebahagian prasangka itu dosa, dan janganlah kamu mencari-cari kesalahan orang lain, dan janganlah ada di antara kamu yang menggunjing sebahagian yang lain. Apakah diantara kamu yang suka memakan daging saudaranya yang telah mati?tentu kamu merasa jijik. dan bertakwalah kepada Allah, sungguh Allah Maha Penerima tobat, Maha penyayang” (49: 12)”

Saturday, April 3, 2010

shaking hands

i started to think bout this last 3 years. when i met with this one vip then he just gv me half of his hand when hand shaking with me. but then when i meet another vip, he grab my hand and realy have the hand shaking. feels like someone realy appriciate you.

back to basic, hand shaking is a general greeting. it also the first impression if you first meet with some one. if some one grab our hand tight and shakeit hard, we may say he is an active person, when some one shake his hand but not realy look our face, we may say he is an arrogant person. but for me.the best hand shake ever is a soft grab and a gently shake with smile in our face.

how bout shaking hands with opposite sex? its ok if we are confident that it wont lead to any type of zina such as with old women or some other special conditions.This is based on what has been narrated on the authority of Abu Bakr As-Siddiq (may Allah be pleased with him) that he used to shake hands with old women and also

“As for women past child bearing, who have no hope of marriage, it is no sin for them if they discard their (outer) clothing in such a way as not to show adornment. But to refrain is better for them. Allah is Hearer, Knower.” (An-Nur: 60)

but its not a green light for you to hold your non-mahram soulmate hand. because the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is reported to have said, "I do not shake hands with women" (Al-Bukhari)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

the old me will come

"Wahai anak cucu Adam!sesungguhnya kami telah menyediakan pakaian untuk menutup auratmu dan perhiasan bagimu. tetapi pakaian taqwa, itulah yang lebih baik. demikianlah sebagagian tanda-tanda kekuasaan Allah, mudah-mudahan mereka ingat"

for my friends in egypt,
6 months before this, maybe we are diffrent person. but when we came here, we do make a change right? maybe some of us stop wearing all those shorts then for the gurls some of them started to wear scarf or even purdah. Allahmdulillah we wear within Islam's guidelines to be a good muslim or muslimah.


the next 3 months, 90% of us will be going back to Malaysia and i know everyone eager towards THE DATE!.but are you ready to face the old of your self?or will you be the same person as in egypt?

hopefully we are. we change not just because we came here and there were ustazs meandering around us 24/7 so we have to wear scarf, purdah and not to wear shorts, but we change for our own sake, taqwa. because last time, during the winter break, i saw some of the pictures of my friends spending their holidays at Malaysia..and..huh..nothing much to say.