Tuesday, March 23, 2010

a testament from a leader

“ Son! Be careful about the religious issues before all other duties. The religious precepts build a strong the state. Do not give the religious duties to careless, faithless and sinful men or to dissipated, indifferent or inexperienced people. And also do not leave the state administrations such people. Because the one without fear of God the Creator, does not afraid of the created. The one committing a great sin and continuing to sin can not be loyal. If that one would had loyal person is loyal he fits to the prophet’s true notification and so does not go out from Ser-i Serif ( sheriat ). Avoid from the cruelty and superstition. Remove the persons who encourage the cruelty and superstition from your state. Underlying reason is that such persons make decline to you. Always widen the state by jihad. Because if the campaign is not held for a long time a deficiency and clumsiness appear on the braveness of soldier, on the knowledge, information and measure of commanders. Such persons who know better about the campaign die and inexperienced persons come instead of them. So many mistakes emerge and the state damage much from this. Save the Beytul Mal ( treasury ). Try to make much the state stock. With the border of Ser-i Serif be contented with you have and do not destroy in an unuseful way but your needs and necessities and do not squander. Do not be proud with your soldiers and goods. Because they are the intermediaries in the way of God for being carried the public services as a whole and for widening justice and virtue to the world. Protect the statesmen working for God’s sake. After their death care about their families and answer their needs. Do not seize your public goods by violence. Give your kind hand to the deserved people and save such persons’ relations from the troubles. Protect better military officials. Scholars, virtue men, artists, literary men are the power of the state structure. Treat with kindness and show honour to these men. Make close relationship when you hear about a virtuous man and give wealth and grant him. In your state the number of learned men, virtuous men and knowledged men becomes high. Put order the political and religious duties. Take lesson from me so I came to these places as a weak leader and I reached to the help of God ( inayet-i celile-i Rabbani ) although I did not deserve. You follow my way and protect Din-i Muhammedi and the believers and also your followers. Respect the right of God and his servants. Do not hesitate to advise your successors in this way. Depend on God’s help in the esteem of justice and fairness, to remove the cruelty, attempts in every duty. Protect your public from enemy’s invasion and from the cruelty. Do not behave any person in an unsuitable way with unfairness. Gratify the public and save all of their sake."

this is the from Sultan Osman Gazi "The Father of Ottoman Empire" to his son.and i think because of this wise advice the Ottoman generation manage to produce someone like Sultan Muhammad al-Fatih

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