Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Definition for pain from my Central Nervous System book is unpleasant sensation resulting from tissue damage. Seriously im laughing on how man’s describe pain sensation. They say it’s pain because they just simply don’t like it.no wonder if you don’t like someone you will tagged them as “pain in the ass”

Pain is one of Allah’s creation.He wont simply create this sense to make us feel uncomfortable. I really amuse with my lecturer Dr. Abdul Rahman Salah when he said

“Pain is important for us, with pain we can remember HIM”

I like his statement.soo true! And I really hold on that before this.never thought someone will have the same idea as mine.even though we did repeatedly saying ‘thanks Allah for giving me healthy’ 5 times per day during Sitting between two prostrations. Even Prophet HE tested with pain.

Dan (ingatlah kisah) Ayub, ketika ia menyeru Tuhannya: “(Ya Tuhanku), Sesungguhnya aku telah ditimpa penyakit dan Engkau adalah Tuhan yang Maha Penyayang di antara semua Penyayang”. Maka Kamipun memperkenankan seruannya itu, lalu Kami lenyapkan penyakit yang ada padanya dan Kami kembalikan keluarganya kepadanya, dan Kami lipat gandakan bilangan mereka, sebagai suatu rahmat dari sisi Kami dan untuk menjadi peringatan bagi semua yang menyembah Allah.

Surah Al Anbiyaa: 83-84

There are some hadiths talking about sick or pain. Mainly the main point is, when you are sick, insyaAllah He will erase all of your sins.

But what I want to stress up here is, no matter if the we don’t like the pain or what but it still can makes us fell that we are alive and we need Him.

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