Sunday, May 30, 2010

fast forward

im sure we did watch amazing race before.a Fast Forward is a task that, once completed, allows the team that completes it to bypass all remaining tasks in the leg and proceed directly to the Pit Stop. BUT the Fast Forward clue is given with another task clue usually a Roadblock or Detour.

so i try to apply this concept on marriage. now days, people talking about Nur Kasih or Adamaya everywhere. this two dramas manage to bring marriage phenomenon to youngster or couples. everyone talking about the beauty of this relation and the happy ever after stories. maybe deep in our heart will say 'mama! papa! i want to get married! please find me someone'. but im just guessing. you know your self better.

i just to remember my self and all of us, yes this blessed relationship sounds happy and easy like what ceramah bait muslim said before. but there are some pro and cons about marriage.

for the ladies marriage maybe will be one of your reason

1. Allah membuat isteri Nabi Nuh dan isteri Luth perumpamaan bagi orang orang kafir. Keduanya berada di bawah pengawasan dua orang hamba yang saleh di antara hamba hamba Kami, lalu kedua isteri itu berkhianat kepada kedua suaminya. maka kedua suaminya itu tidak dapat membantu mereka sedikitpun dari ( siksa ) Allah dan dikatakan kepadanya " Masuklah ke neraka bersama orang orang yang masuk ( neraka )

(surah at-tahmin : ayat 10)

2. Dari Ibnu Abbas r.a katanya Rasulullah SAW bersabda:
“Diperlihatkan (Allah) kepadaku akan neraka. Ketika itu kulihat kebanyakan isinya terdiri daripada perempuan-perempuan kafir.” Baginda ditanya oleh seseorang: “Apakah mereka kafir kepada Allah?” Jawab Rasulullah, “Mereka kafir kepada karib (suami) dan (tidak tahu berterima kasih) atas kebaikan (yang diterimanya). Biarpun engkau telah berbuat baik kepadanya sepanjang masa, kemudian dilihatnya daripadamu sedikit kesalahan sahaja, lantas ia berkata: “Saya tidak pernah melihat kebaikan darimu sedikit pun!” – Riwayat al-Bukhari

but insyaAllah, marriage also can be your VIP ticket to enter the heaven when

1. Dan Allah membuat isteri Firaun perumpamaan bagi orang orang yang beriman, ketika ia berkata , " Ya Tuhanku, bangunlah untukku sebuah rumah di sisiMu dalam syurga dan selamatkanlah aku dari Firaun dan perbutannya dan selamatkanlah aku dari kaum yang zalim

(surah at-tahmin : ayat 11)

2. Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda yang maksudnya:“Apabila seseorang isteri meninggal dunia dan suaminya redha kepadanya, maka ia akan masuk syurga.”

Riwayat Tirmidzi dan Ibn Majah

3. Rasulullah bersabda: “Wanita yang taat terhadap suaminya, diminta ampun oleh burung di angkasa, ikan-ikan di dalam air, malaikat di langit, matahari dan bulan, selama wanita itu ada dalam kerelaan suaminya. Dan setiap wanita yang derhaka kepada suaminya, maka kepadanyalah laknat Allah, malaikat dan manusia semuanya. Dan setiap wanita yang bermuka masam pada suaminya, ia adalah dalam kemurkaan Allah Ta'ala sampai ia (wanita/isteri) bersenda gurau dengan suaminya dan ia meminta kerelaanya. Dan setiap wanita yang keluar dari rumahnya tanpa izin suaminya, malaikat melaknatnya hingga ia pulang.” - Riwayat Al Bazza

for gentlemen.

yes marrieage can save you from doing zina

Hadis Abdullah bin Mas'ud r.a:

Diriwayatkan daripada Alqamah r.a katanya: Aku pernah berjalan-jalan di Mina bersama Abdullah r.a. Kami bertemu dengan Othman r.a yang kemudian menghampiri Abdullah r.a. Setelah berbincang beberapa ketika, Othman r.a bertanya: Wahai Abu Abdul Rahman: Mahukah aku jodohkan kamu dengan seorang perempuan muda? Mudah-mudahan perempuan itu akan dapat mengingatkan kembali masa lampaumu yang indah. Mendengar tawaran itu Abdullah r.a menjawab: Apa yang kamu ucapkan itu adalah sejajar dengan apa yang pernah disabdakan oleh Rasulullah s.a.w kepada kami: Wahai golongan pemuda! Sesiapa di antara kamu yang telah mempunyai keupayaan iaitu zahir dan batin untuk berkahwin, maka hendaklah dia berkahwin. Sesungguhnya perkahwinan itu dapat menjaga pandangan mata dan menjaga kehormatan. Maka sesiapa yang tidak berkemampuan, hendaklah dia berpuasa kerana puasa itu dapat mengawal iaitu benteng nafsu

but then can you put the things on its place. put your parent first, not your wife

Hadis Abu Bakrah r.a katanya:

Ketika kami bersama Rasulullah s.a.w, baginda telah bersabda: Mahukah aku ceritakan kepada kamu sebesar-besar dosa besar? Ianya tiga perkara, iaitu mensyirikkan Allah, mengherdik kedua ibu bapa dan bersaksi palsu atau kata-kata palsu. Semasa Rasulullah bersabda, baginda sedang bersandar lalu duduk. Baginda terus mengulangi sabdanya sehingga kami berkata: Semoga baginda berhenti dari menyebut Hadis tersebut

the conclusion is, marriage do have pro and cons, im not saying if you not being a good wife you will settle in hell or if you a good wife, your place is heaven and same goes for the gentlemen. because paradise and hell are Allah's properties. He the one will decide. i just dont want the marrieage that should be your fast forward clue to heaven will turn to route block clue and be one of the reason for you to go to hell.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

kenapa berdiam diri ajnabi?

Amalan memberi salam kepada sesama Islam adalah suatu yang sangat dituntut oleh Islam, kerana salah satu hak sesama Islam adalah menyebarkan salam. Dengan mengucapkan salam itu dapatlah kita mengeratkan lagi tali persaudaraan, mendekatkan yang jauh dan melahirkan rasa kasih sayang. Walaupun ucapan salam itu pendek saja, tetapi isi dan maksudnya adalah merupakan doa bagi mendapatkan kesejahteraan dan keselamatan. Merujuk dalil sama ada daripada al-Quran atau al-Hadis yang menggalakkan umat Islam memberi salam sesama Islam, ia adalah dalam bentuk yang umum serta tidak membezakan lelaki dan perempuan.

Antaranya firman Allah bermaksud : “Apabila kamu diberi penghormatan (dengan ucapan salam) hendaklah kamu menjawab dengan lebih baik atau jawab yang seumpamanya”. Al-Nisa’ ayat 86.

Mengikut kaedah syarak sesuatu arahan atau hukum daripada Allah dan RasulNya adalah merangkumi lelaki dan perempuan kecuali dalil tertentu yang mengkhususkan sesuatu hukum itu kepada lelaki atau perempuan sahaja.

Dalam sahih al-Bukhari disebutkan bahawa Ummu Hani’ binti Abu Talib berjumpa Rasullah s.a.w. pada tahun pembukaan Makkah dan terus memberi salam kepada baginda, lalu baginda bertanya siapa itu? Fatimah memberitahu bahawa yang memberi salam itu ialah Ummu Hani’ dan Rasullah pun menjawab salamnya.

Umar al-Khattab juga pernah memberi salam ketika berjumpa dengan beberapa orang wanita sambil berkata: “Aku adalah utusan Rasullah kepada kamu sekelian.”

Bagaimanapun, kebanyakan ulama’ berpendapat bahawa lelaki boleh memberi salam kepada perempuan yang sudah berumur dan tidak kepada perempuan yang masih gadis atau muda.

Semua ini adalah pendapat atau pandangan ijtihad kalangan ulama’ berdasarkan kaedah “menutup pintu mungkar”. Namun terdapat beberapa hadis dan amalan di kalangan sahabat serta tabiin mengenai memberi salam lelaki kepada wanita. Antaranya hadis yang diriwayatkan oleh Jarir yang bermaksud: “Sesungguhnya Rasulullah berjalan dan berjumpa sekumpulan wanita lalu baginda memberi salam kepada mereka.”

Begitu juga dengan apa yang dilakukan Umar al-Khattab dan Ibnu Umar. Ibnu Aun pernah bertanya kepada Ibnu Sirin: “Bolehkah saya memberi salam kepada seorang perempuan?” Jawabnya: “Tidak ada salahnya”. Demikianlah beberapa pendapat dan pandangan kalangan ulama’ mengenai hukum lelaki memberi salam kepada perempuan dan sebaliknya.

Satu hal yang mesti difahami, iaitu ucapan salam adalah satu ibadat, bukan sebagai satu ucapan atau kata-kata biasa yang diucapkan seseorang. Justeru, ia hendaklah diucapkan dengan hati yang ikhlas serta bertujuan merapatkan hubungan persaudaraan bukan sebaliknya. Kalangan ulama’ yang mengharuskan pun berpendapat bahawa wanita tidak wajib atau tidak perlu menjawab salam lelaki jika ucapan itu bukan dengan niat yang baik dan ikhlas.

Kesimpulannya, berpandukan pendapat jamhur (kebanyakan) ulama’ yang berasaskan hadis dan amalan Rasullah s.a.w. serta kalangan sahabat bahawa seorang, lelaki boleh memberi salam kepada wanita, jika sekiranya ia tidak menimbulkan sebarang fitnah.

Wallahu A’alam


Friday, May 28, 2010

peace upon you

masih terkenang lagi pertama kali saya tahu maksud assalamualaikum ketika berusia 10 tahun. Alhamdulillah, ketika Islam dilanda dengan Islamphobia selepas serangan 9/11, saya tetapi Allah memberi saya sedikit hidayah untuk discover perkataan assalamualaikum.

semuanya bermula apabila saya menonton nightline 2-3 hari selepas kejadian 9/11.(bukan saje-saje bukak tengok jugak sebab nak tunggu sambungan WWF!). dalam nightline ada di sertakan satu temu ramah dengan seorang warganegara Amerika yang berkulit hitam tetapi beragama Islam. reporter menyuruh beliau comment tentang Islam dan perang. tetapi dengan tenang lelaki itu menjawab :

"assalamualaikum is greeting in islam, and you know what that mean? peace upon you.PEACE!"

see? siapa kata islam ini penganas walhal perkataan salam, greeting in islam is 'peace'.

Hadis Abdullah bin Amru r.a:

Seseorang telah bertanya kepada Rasulullah s.a.w: Apakah sifat yang paling baik dalam Islam? Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: Memberikan makanan serta memberi salam samada kepada orang yang engkau kenali atau pun tidak

dalam hadis ini, menyarankan kita memberi salam walaupun kepada orang tidak dikenali. ini betul-betul berlaku dalam kalangan masyarakat arab mesir. ketika mereka menaiki public transport ataupun masuk ke kedai, mereka akan memberikan salam. perkara ini tidak berlaku di malaysia yer.. just imagine masuk LRT bagi salam, or naik Rapid KL time petang then bagi salam. pasti mengundang perkataan gila atau perhatian yang pelik dari orang sekeliling. tapi nak cuba tidak menjadi masalah

Hadis Abu Hurairah r.a katanya: Rasulullah s.a.w pernah bersabda:

1. Orang yang berkenderaan hendaklah memberi salam kepada orang yang berjalan kaki,
2. orang yang berjalan hendaklah memberi salam kepada orang yang duduk dan
3. orang yang sedikit hendaklah memberi salam kepada orang yang ramai

just imagine kalau betul-betul wujud orang berkenderaan memberi salam kepada yang berjalan kaki? tidakkah aman suasana tersebut?. rakan-rakan saya yang diberikan rezeki oleh Allah untuk melawat tanah haram Makkah, mereka menceritakan yang benda ini memang berlaku di sana. tetapi kalau di malaysia, benda ini mungkin juga berlaku. tetapi situasinya berubah sedikit :

si kerata Lancer Evolution : Assalamualaikum. sorang je cik adek? mai la tumpang kereta saya.

si pejalan kaki : senyap tidak menjawab.

si kereta Lancer Evolution : amboi..sombong. tak jawab salam dose tau.

si kereta lancer evolution owh.(tiada kene mengena dengan Mohd Izattrahman)

Thursday, May 27, 2010


terasa malu
bila membawa banyak dosa bila bertemu-MU

terasa bodoh
bila mengenang begitu mudah aku tewas dengan nafsu

terasa hina
bila sudah bertaubat tetapi masih melakukan maksiat yang sama

terase tidak layak
bila ENGKAU masih memberikanku udara dan masa untuk kembali kepada-MU

Ya Allah, aku ingin menyerahkan diriku kepada MU,
aku tahu kamu akan menerimaku kerana Engkaulah Maha penerima Taubat

Ya Allah, aku ingin pergi berjumpa MU
tetapi sekiranya nafas ku terhenti disini, adakah cukup bekalan untuk ku teruskan hidup seterusnya

Sunday, May 23, 2010

flip flops

its a phenomenon for malaysian youngster to wear flops now days. for them its comfortable and stylish. if you wear the flops, your not on the geek side which are always wearing the leather shoe. by the way im on the flops side! eventhough my warden will say "kenapa kamu pakai selipar JAMBAN pegi prep?"

but how many of us know how to take them off from Islam point of view. maybe some of us said, this is small matter. but dont you know, if you practising this actually you practising sunnah. and if we practising sunnah meaning we obey Allah's command.

He who obeys the Messenger, obeys Allah; but if any turn away, We have not sent thee to watch over their (evil deeds)

(Surah An-Nisaa : 80)

so why dont we grab this chance?. it just take off you sandals start from the right one first. we dont know how much good deeds are counted for us at akhirat, maybe we have to give all those pahala to someone else.

*this hadith can be applied to any type of shoes actually including those leather shoes yer..

Friday, May 21, 2010

Everybody Draw Muhammad Day

after my anatomy examination, i when home and straight away go to my netbook to on9 facebook.but then my friend from out of the blue said 'HEY! dont you know today we all boycotting all social networks'. i asked him why?. then he said it was about "Everybody Draw Muhammad Day". i just answered my friend, you know why im on9? because im spying for islam. to watch what on earth this group doing. then we just laughing

basicly im not a type of person who will boycott something simply just because everyone does.for me, we control our self, so we should know the reason behind everything that we have done or will do.after my friend left my room, i started to google about this group. basicly this was what i get

Everybody Draw Mohammed Day encourages people to flout the belief by devout Muslims that it is wrong to depict religious figures because it could lead to idol worship. The group has more than 81,000 fans on Facebook

By mid-morning on Thursday, more than 7,300 images had been uploaded to the Facebook page, most of them drawings of Mohammed

Posted by: Doug Gross - producer

then i googled somemore to know who the one behind this thing and why are they doing this. so this is the chronology for all this

It originally began as a protest against censorship of South Park episode "201" (cartoon series) by Comedy Central in response to death threats from radical Islamists.

1. It started with a drawing posted on the Internet on April 20, 2010, the suggestion in it that everybody create a drawing representing Muhammad, a prophet of Islam, on May 20, 2010, as a protest against efforts to limit freedom of speech, and the movement in support of that protest.

2. had said that Parker and Stone could wind up like Theo van Gogh, a Dutch filmmaker who was brutally murdered and mutilated by a Muslim extremist.

3. Molly Norris (U.S. cartoonist) created the artwork in reaction to Internet death threats that had been made against cartoonists Trey Parker and Matt Stone for depicting Muhammad in an episode of South Park.

4. Norris said that if millions of people draw pictures of Muhammad, Islamist terrorists would not be able to murder them all, and threats to do so would become unrealistic.

but now the group has been removed by facebook. i dont want to drag this any longer. as a muslim who realy admire and love Prophet Muhammad of course i will be angry if someone draw his face. it not just you trying to draw his face that you never meet but your insulting him with dirty caricature. yes this world have freedom of expression what so ever. but dont you know how to differentiate between respect and freedom of expression?. let us put like this, if someone draw your lover's picture nude with someone else. what would you do?. come on..we as a muslim never ever want to fight anybody. instead Prophet Muhammad have proved before by building Macca. He let the non-muslims citizen to keep on practising their religion, so basicly Islam can get along with everyone and during war, it is forbidden to kill women and children for Islam's soldiers

Abdullah bin 'Umar, may Allah be pleased with them, reported:
A woman was found murdered in one of the battles fought by the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him). (On seeing that) Allah's Messenger disapproved of the killing of women and children.

dont you see? we dont want to pick any fight or war. but for sometimes we have to if its relating Allah and people respect on Islam. all i can say. we should respect each other.

Allahuakhbar!(Allah is the most greatest)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

i miss him

during my jauhlah to Alex, i when to Iman al-Busiri's tomb. He is a sufian and among the luckiest person who Allah choose to meet with Prophet Muhammad in his dream. how lucky he is right?. during at his thomb, im thinking my chance to meet with Prophet Muhammad. compare me with all of people who manage to meet Prophet Muhammad in their dreams, i am nothing!

then i think maybe He wont come into my dream because im not praying to meet with him before. my heart never tickled to meet with him before or im not salawat to him 24/7. not atleast 6hours/7 days. i just start to miss him. how come the Allah's lover, the most loveable person and the greatest leader ever live on earth will come to into my dream. why should he come to me? im the one who should go to him. then the only word pop up in my mind was 'UMRAH!'

maybe some of us will said "Alah, umrah..tiap-tiap tahun aku pegi ngan family aku" or "dengan duit Hai Oo , saya berjaya membawa semua ahli keluarga saya menunaikan umrah.syukur alhamdulillah".haha. but for me? i realy2 want to go there..if i can with my own money

this was my conversation with my grandpa :

me : wan, dari sini nak p mekah murah ja.
wan : yaaka? brapa?
me : dalam RM 2000 Malaysia package umrah siap semua.
wan : baguih la tuh, wan nak p haji taun depan. wan bayaq kat hang sama.kita jumpa kat sana.
me : saye mmg nak p x sedia lagi. wan p la dulu noe. p ngan tok,br romantik.
wan : hurm.. x pa la macam tuh.hang dah sedia nanti bagi tau.want bayaq.

why i said im not ready?. back when im form 4. there was a senior who "a little bit nakal". then all our teachers praise to Allah when they heard this senior going to umrah with his family. but then when he return, he still the same person. people putting high hopes on him to change. then teachers started to say "orang pegi umrah, balik berubah.kamu?".

actually umrah or hajj should be just between Allah and us.if we change only Allah knows and if we dont maybe he have plan something for us. but for Malaysian, they look up at people who allready did umrah or haji. for them this group of people should be respect because they allready meet the RasulAllah and Kaabah. pray infront of Kaabah. am i ready to carry the name as people come back from umrah? can i be the role model for other muslim who just came back from umrah?

i dont think im ready for all that, for now i just put picture at Masjidilharam as my phone screen saver. hopefully one day i manage to meet with him..Ya RasulAllah.

my screen saver!
*wish i can solat here one day!

Friday, May 14, 2010


maybe some of us quite familiar with this story. nevermind is just want to share from my point of view

Who Packed Your Parachute?

Charles Plumb was a U.S. Navy jet pilot in Vietnam. After 75 combat missions, his plane was destroyed by a surface-to-air missile. Plumb ejected and parachuted into enemy hands. He was captured and spent 6 years in a communist Vietnamese prison. He survived the ordeal and now lectures on lessons learned from that experience.

One day, when Plumb and his wife were sitting in a restaurant, a man at another table came up and said, "You're Plumb! You flew jet fighters in Vietnam from the aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk. You were shot down!"

"How in the world did you know that?" asked Plumb. "I packed your parachute," the man replied. Plumb gasped in surprise and gratitude. The man pumped his hand and said, "I guess it worked!" Plumb assured him, "It sure did. If your chute hadn't worked, I wouldn't be here today."

Plumb couldn't sleep that night, thinking about that man. Plumb says, "I kept wondering what he might have looked like in a Navy uniform: a white hat, a bib in the back, and bell-bottom trousers. I wonder how many times I might have seen him and not even said 'Good morning, how are you?' or anything because, you see, I was a fighter pilot and he was just a sailor."

Plumb thought of the many hours the sailor had spent on a long wooden table in the bowels of the ship, carefully weaving the shrouds and folding the silks of each chute, holding in his hands each time the fate of someone he didn't know.

Now, Plumb asks his audience, "Who's packing your parachute?" Everyone has someone who provides what they need to make it through the day. Plumb also points out that he needed many kinds of parachutes when his plane was shot down over enemy territory-he needed his physical parachute, his mental parachute, his emotional parachute, and his spiritual parachute. He called on all these supports before reaching safety

SOURCE: Charles Plumb, “Packing Parachutes,” in Insights to Excellence, Executive Books, Harrisburg, PA; reprinted by permission

back when im form 5, my addmaths teacher stood up on stage during morning assembley and give us this hand out. she ask us to read this story and asking us "Who's packing your parachute?" .

maybe some of us think that we deserve everything that we have now. all this from Allah. on top of all, we should thank to HIM

Dan sesungguhnya Kami telah memberi kepada Luqman, hikmat kebijaksanaan, (serta Kami perintahkan kepadanya): Bersyukurlah kepada Allah (akan segala nikmatNya kepadamu) dan sesiapa yang bersyukur maka faedahnya itu hanyalah terpulang kepada dirinya sendiri dan sesiapa yang tidak bersyukur (maka tidaklah menjadi hal kepada Allah), kerana sesungguhnya Allah Maha Kaya, lagi Maha Terpuji.
(Surah Luqman : 25)

but He also choose something as His messenger to spread His love. so the first one who packed your parachute was Prophet Muhammad. without him we dont even know where to sujud. but if Allah give you love there must be from your parent, if it is knowledge, there must be your teacher, if He give you money, there must me work and so on.

but do you ever thank to the one who behind the scene? ammu who open the gate? the one who photostate for you handout, the one who sell you revesion books (mr bean).

Dan (tiap-tiap) makhluk yang bernyawa tidak akan mati melainkan dengan izin Allah, iaitu ketetapan (ajal) yang tertentu masanya (yang telah ditetapkan oleh Allah) dan (dengan yang demikian) sesiapa yang menghendaki balasan dunia, kami berikan bahagiannya dari balasan dunia itu dan sesiapa yang menghendaki balasan akhirat, kami berikan bahagiannya dari balasan akhirat itu dan Kami pula akan beri balasan pahala kepada orang-orang yang bersyukur
(Surah Ali-Imran : 145)

hopefully we will thank to every one.every one who ever entered our life and HAPPY TEACHERS DAY~

Monday, May 10, 2010

come home

im having my pre-teenage life without my parent literally. because i spend most of my time at my boarding school . still remember the enthusiasm when my 'ayahanda' annouced at assembly "to all may start to buy your ticket for chinese new year break". that time im form 1. about 1 months havent when back home!

that saturday night i called my parent to tell them i can go home. they said they want to fetch me up. but i said. dont have to. they just come 2 weeks earlier to bring my text books and foods(anak sulung.first day masuk pon parent lupe nak store dalam locker). im with my seniors booked a bus already. it was fun because i can meet with my parent and siblings.but then those feeling getting to fade by the time past by when im getting older..

form 4.something change the whole thing. i meet with this one girl and we having a long distance relationship.i get my life back! im getting eager to go home! even this time the adrenaline took their part!. everytime when i heard bout break even 3 day, i will buy a ticket. yeah come back on friday. then go for a date the next day after that sunday when back to Ipoh. fuh heaven right for a couple?

people said when your in love, u cant think wise. u just follow your heart. i never think bout someone who realy important in my life. the one who should i please first. the only reason that i should have in my heart when people talking about going back.

Diriwayatkan daripada Abu Hurairah r.a katanya:

Telah datang seorang lelaki kepada Rasulullah s.a.w lalu bertanya: Siapakah manusia yang paling berhak untuk aku layani dengan sebaik mungkin? Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: Ibumu.Beliau bertanya lagi: Kemudian siapa? Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: Kemudian ibumu. Beliau terus bertanya: Kemudian siapa? Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: Kemudian ibumu. Beliau terus bertanya:
Kemudian siapa? Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: Kemudian ayahmu.

i forget the man that azan for me at the first time

i forget the one who never forget to pray for my succes.

i forget the one then hand that always pampered me at night

i forget the eyes that stay awake at night just to watch their son.

i forget the one who raised me up from 2 inches height till 6 feet height

i forget to 'buka puasa' with my family, the one that will be by my side for the rest of my life

i forget the one who will cook for me pajeri rebung before i go for date. but i just ate little because im late for the date.

sory mumy..
sory mumy..
sory mumy..
sory ayah..

to my fellow friends..please put your parent on top of the list for your reason to go home. put your lover, your cousins, your friends or your kitten a side.why should you please outsider or someone that you just meet for 3 or 4 years like what i did rather than you please your parent . praised to Allah if HE give you the chance to meet with your parent.`make it worth. please them. we dont know when will be the next time we will meet them or it would be the last time we can touch their hand.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

my wedding planing

1. how old are you?
18 years and 11 months
2. are you single?
i am! and its fun! what age do you think you'll get married?
27 if i can but i cant help my self if my parent ask to married earlier you think you'll marry the person you are with now?
im stuck in all boys class right now and past 5 years. so i dont think so.haha
5.if not, who do you want to marry?
so u trying to pull something from me huh? fine. i think i will ask my mumy to bring her catalogue.just pick from there. because she dont like the one i want
6.who will be your bridesmaid & bestman?
ist a must? i think im big enough to walk alone. furthermore wont it be more sweet just me and my future bride walk together.just two of us. you want a garden/beach or tradisional wedding?
everyone have their dream wedding right?so i will go for beach and tradisional. at beach with my starian then traditional with everyone.i realy mean it everyone.thats the best part of doing tradisional wedding.everyone can come.
8.where do you plan to go on honeymoon?
if she have the same mind with me, i will take her to petra, Jordan then came to Zagazig lastly to Ipoh. to show her where have i been before. but if she not interested. i will just have my honeymoon at the fisrt place we meet. actually nak g umrah or bak kate kawin klu nk jage pki ihram payah.hahahahaha! many guest do you think you'll invite?
10.will that include your exes?
for sure!.im very profesional with this. so hopefully they will come many layers of cake do you want?
just 1. if its 2..that will show my aim to have the 2nd better stay with one layer
12.when do you want to get married, morning or evening?
evening or even night. so people who come to my wedding wont be "peloh-peloh" while eathing their foods. of song/tune you'd like to play at your wedding?
i would say Kenny G and Celine Dion
14.ur wedding colour theme?
red and white you prefer fine dining or just normal spoon & fork?knife?
both! i am very flexible person which can suit into dont care.
16.champagne or red wine?
Milo Ais chek!
17.honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?
right after the wedding!because for my family, we have to visit our relative after get married. to introduce our husband or wife. so during the visit i can give sort of souvenir from my honeymoon. or household item?
household item for can get from everywhere actually many kids would you like to have?
3.ngam2 seat blakang for my car
20.will you record your honeymoon in DVD/CD?
DVD and CD??gila pa!kang umah masuk pencuri tetibe DVD and CD tuh dah ade kat Petaling Street. better thumb drive jela
21. ur dream present from your future wife?
a big framed picture of ours?
22.whose wedding plan would you like to know next?
wan aminuddin
hanif omar
abu burn
aishah nasaruddin
aina mohammad!
ain wabisna
(*denga cite sape kene tag wajid jawab!)

Friday, May 7, 2010

someone else's money in your pocket

ramadhan is just around the for me(because i always tune on raya songs!). before raya usually malaysian will go for a raya shopping from the bonus money they get! its just like heaven for everyone especially kids. they can get new cloths or even toys.

but dont you think that then bonus money you get 2.5 % is not yours. its for others. the one who needy such as orphan. is still remember this song from black dog bone:

Bila tiba hari raya
Semua insan bergembira
Tetapi bagiku hanya kesedihan
Yang menyelubungi hidup

Ayah dan juga ibuku
Telah pergi selamanya
Terbiarlah aku ibarat musafir
Yang haus di padang pasir

Siapakah yang sudi
Menghulurkan simpati
Kepada nasibku ini
Agar dapat kurasa
Nikmat di hari raya
Seperti insan yang lain

Ku meminta dan berdoa
Kepada Yang Maha Esa
Tabahkan hati berilah pedoman
Cahaya Di Aidil Fitri

from this song, dont you think that 2.5% of your bonus should be for them?. its hard to give zakat? im not surprise because right after Prophet Muhammad S.A.W death there were a group of muslimin that dont want to pay for zakat.just imagine, they were giving the chance to live with Prophet Muhammad S.A.W but still after his death they dont want to follow what he said. but thanks to Caliph ABu Bakar who manage to make people pay their zakat back

actually Allah is testing us whether we still remember HIM when HE give us wealth. maybe we think that its ours because we work for that money and why on earth we have to share with other?. please remember this when u get something, all those wealth come from Allah and HE is picking you to be one of his worker by distributing the wealth. its for our own good

Ambillah (sebahagian) dari harta mereka menjadi sedekah (zakat), supaya dengannya engkau membersihkan mereka (dari dosa) dan mensucikan mereka (dari akhlak yang buruk) dan doakanlah untuk mereka, kerana sesungguhnya doamu(Muhammad) itu menjadi ketenteraman bagi mereka dan (ingatlah) Allah Maha Mendengar, lagi Maha Mengetahui

Surah at-Taubah, ayat 9

during Caliph Umar al-Khattab's era, there were no poverty. because everyone paying for zakat and He distribute is honestly for the needy. dont we want that kind of goverment? which 0% poverty. all of this can happen if we pay for zakat.

there are many benefits for zakats, such as we can use all of those money to support islam youngster in their studies (fisabililah-in the way of Allah), then we wont hear any along's cases that involving muslims (al-gharimin-Those in debt) and i think if all of us paying for zakat, there wont be any tv program like BersamaMu

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

im cool

summer just around the corner. the temperature keep on rising. not to mention unpredictable climate change right now. people said, we can find people fighting or shouting(it is normal in Egypt by the way) or in other words we can easily loose our temper every where during this season. but take a deep breath and open your heart for this story

Ibn Ajlan dari Said Almagburi dari Abu hurairah r.a. berkata: "Ada seorang memaki Abu Bakar Assisiq r.a. sedang Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. duduk, maka Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. diam. Abu bakar menjawab, maka segera Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. bangun dari tempatnya, maka dikejar oleh Abu Bakar sambil berkata: "Ya Rasulullah, dia maki-maki saya dan engkau diam, ketika saya jawab, tiba-tiba engkau bangun pergi?" Jawab Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.: "Ssesungguhnya Malaikat telah mengembalikan semua makian orang itu kepadanya ketika engkau diam dan ketika engkau menjawab makian, maka pergilah Malaikat itu dan duduk syaitan laknatullah, maka saya tidak suka duduk ditempat duduk bersama syaitan laknatullah." Kemudian Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. bersabda: "Tiga macam semuanya hak iaitu:

Tiada seorang yang dianiaya lalu memaafkannya kerana mengharap keredhaan Allah s.w.t. melainkan pasti ditambah kemuliaan oleh Allah s.w.t.

Tiada seorang yang membuka jalan meminta-minta kerana ingin bertambah kekayaan melainkan ditambah kekurangannya (kemiskinan) oleh Allah s.w.t.

Tiada seorang yang memberi sesuatu ikhlas kerana Allah s.w.t. melainkan ditambah banyak oleh Allah s.w.t

it's easy to get angry, but it's hard to be angry with an appropriate manner .for me.the best reason to get angry if someone try to cross the line about my creater!.actually there were 3 types of anger

first : coward

the one who dont have any sense of anger! these people are senseless. they wont even stand for Islam or their relative for a good reason such as Palestinian right now.

Firman Allah: Nabi Muhammad (s.a.w) ialah Rasul Allah; dan orang-orang yang bersama dengannya bersikap keras dan tegas terhadap orang-orang kafir yang (memusuhi Islam), dan sebaiknya bersikap kasih sayang serta belas kasihan kasihan sesama sendiri (umat Islam). (al-Fath: 29

dont be so cool because prophet Muhammad S.A.W still have sense of anger.

Saidatina Aisyah r.a. telah meriwayatkan bahawa: Dan tidaklah baginda membalas dengan hukuman untuk (membela) dirinya di dalam sesuatu sama sekali kecuali jika perkara-perkara yang diharamkan Allah dilanggar, maka baginda akan membalas dengan hukuman terhadap perkara itu kerana Allah. (Riwayat Bukhari)

second : over reacting

this is when they have the chance to be mad, they will get over the boundaries. please note that if you one of them and using hot tempered as inheritence behavier. you are wrong! there is no gene for hot tempered! you can control the outcome actually

Disebabkan buruknya akibat sifat marah yang melulu ini maka Rasulullah s.a.w. amat menitikberatkan agar perasaan itu dikawal dengan baik. Apabila seorang sahabat meminta nasihat daripada Baginda s.a.w, lantas Baginda bersabda: Jangan marah. Kemudian sahabat tersebut mengulangi permintaannya untuk mendapatkan nasihat. Sekali lagi baginda menjawab: Jangan marah. (Sahih al-Bukhari, hadis no: 6116).

3rd: sufficient anger

this is the best way to channel your anger, anger because of Islam, someone playing with our god and our relative. just like Umar al-Khattab and other prophet Muhammad's sahabiah who fight for Islam.

Firman Allah: Perangilah mereka, nescaya Allah akan menyeksa mereka dengan (perantaraan) tangan kamu, dan Allah akan menghinakan mereka serta menolong kamu menewaskan mereka, dan Dia akan memuaskan hati orang-orang yang beriman. Dan Dia juga akan menghapuskan kemarahan hati orang-orang yang beriman itu, dan Allah akan menerima taubat orang-orang yang dikehendaki-Nya; dan (ingatlah) Allah Maha Mengetahui, lagi Maha Bijaksana. (al-Taubah: 14-15)

from my observation, many of us feel angry for something that we shouldnot be for example because of a girl or a boy. that was the lamest reason. please control our anger and the outcome. maybe we can start to put our self in which group among those 3 groups above and start to googling how to overcome our anger after that.InsyaAllah

Sunday, May 2, 2010

the pencil

i lost my mechanical pencil. my housemate said "pensil bukan sebatang, pemadam bukan seketul". its true my friend. but then how about the memories?

it was from my 2nd months salary since the 1st salary i bought cellphone and nettbook. but i still can remember the time that i bought you. right after i withdraw my money at IOI MALL PUCHONG then having sushi there. by the time i try to get something for my parent and siblings. then i saw you..inside the faber castell store. my heart ticking "ape kate beli pencil besi plak.slalu pakai shaker je dari skola rendah.ko dah nak masok universiti nnt"

but left me behind. our last date was before i entered anatomy practical exam. to be honest i am happy when im with you. i luv to touch your slim body. eventhough sometimes your cold(during winter). but i dont care. your the best for me. the one and only. thought want to give you a retired life after final exam and buy another one as your mate. but..

dont despair and loose hope. because Allh is always by your side. InsyaAllah i will find my pencil