Friday, March 11, 2011

it's not my fault!

Mengenang kisah ketika saya menjadi pengawas menjaga hari pendaftaran form 1, saya pasti tidak akan lupa satu kisah ini.

Seperti biasa pengawas form 5 akan menjaga dorm form 1. Ibu bapa hanya boleh masuk ke dorm pada hari pertama sahaja untuk melihat sendiri tempat tinggal yang bakal didiami anak mereka sepanjang 5 tahun di STAR Ipoh. Selepas ibu bapa pulang, ada sesi suai kenal dengan seniors.

Dalam sesi suai kenal tersebut, pelajar form diminta untuk memperkenalkan diri. Sampai kepada giliran ‘Navy’ bukan nama sebenar. Berikut adalah dialog sesi suai kenal antara saya dan dia

Ariff : meriah kau, sampai tok nenek pon datang hantar.

Navy : mane ade bang. Tadi tuh mak ayah saya ngan kakak saya.

Ariff : tudia..kuat ayah kau! (satu dorm gelak!)

Navy : mane saye nak tau bang. Bukan salah saya. Mak ayah saya yang patut ditanya

Then I started to think, how come his mother can be so..*i lost my word* until at the age of 62, still can give birth. Hrm..


This term could actually bring phobia to every woman. When i ask my girlfriends why are they so afraid about menopause? Basically its natural thing will occur though. What is exactly frightening them the most?

We better start with what is menopause?

The word "menopause" = "end of monthly cycles" from the Greek word pausis (cessation) and the root men = (month), because the word "menopause" was created to describe this change in females, where the end of fertility. It actually happen when there is no any ovarian follicle left to be convert into ovum thus there wont be any fertilization of ovum and sperm will occur.

Why is ovarian follicle?

Ovarian follicle is the functional unit for ovary. Just imagine ovary is a wall, ovarian follicle will be the brick that will hold together to form that wall. Alhamdulillah Allah already gave every each of baby girl 400 000 of ovarian follicles. But only 400 will be matured and can change into ovum after the first menstrual cycle.


Basically, every month only 1 ovum will be produce (1 matured ovarian follicle = 1 ovum). Meaning you will stop producing ovum plus minus about 400 months after you having your first menstruation.

Miraculosly, during 9 months of pregnancy there wont be any usage of ovum other than then only one being. So everytime a woman get pregnant, insya Allah they can save 8 ovarian follicle and prolong their time from reaching the menopause date. Our Prophet Muhammad PBUH already ask us to have kids,

Sabda Rasulullah sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam:

Kahwinilah wanita penyayang lagi subur. Sesungguhnya aku bangga dengan banyaknya kamu (umat Muhammad) berbanding umat-umat lain

Sahih: Sebahagian daripada hadis yang panjang daripada Ma’qil bin Yasar radiallahu ‘anhu, dikeluarkan oleh Ahmad, Abu Daud, al-Nasai, al-Baihaqi dan lain-lain, dinilai sahih oleh Nasr al-Din al-Albani dalam Irwa’ al-Ghaleel – no: 1784.

i try to write as simple as i can so that even non-medical student can understand what i’m trying to say. Hopefully i can benefit your future insyaAllah, the choice is still in your hand, this is just a piece of my idea. Mau anak ramai ka, anak sikit ka.. pandai-pandai plan.


IMANSHAH said...

dah balik mesir?

the cerebro said...

tak tahu lagi cikgu, after 20 march kot.
saya tak balik ikut mara.kalau mara 13 dah kene balik

.traCtus.soLitaris. said...

nice entry and info,bud. Keep up the good word and intenntion for the sake of Islam. But, why is so many typo? :p

DREM said...

Blogberry Emry said : terbaiklah..

eszol raar said...


dulu aku pernah tanye awek aku die start menstrual bila

aku siap count kot


nice finding though

sumpah terkesima

btw,ko x abes2 cte jambu je kan

cover baik punye


adol ihsan said...

Nice .. :)