Monday, August 30, 2010

if we never have the chance to get married

Sabda Nabi s.a.w. (maksudnya): Apabila mati anak Adam, maka putuslah amalannya kecuali daripada tiga perkara, sedekah jariah, ilmu yang memberi manfaat dan anak yang soleh yang mendoakan untuknya


Suatu hari, Imam Al Ghazali berkumpul dengan murid-muridnya. Lalu Imam Al-Ghazali bertanya :

"Apa yang paling dekat dengan diri kita di dunia ini?".
Murid-muridnya menjawab : "orang tua, guru, kawan, dan sahabatnya".
Imam Ghozali menjelaskan semua jawapan itu BENAR.
Tetapi yang paling dekat dengan kita adalah MATI.
Sebab itu sememangnya janji Allah SWT bahwa setiap yang bernyawa pasti akan mati

"Tiap-tiap yang berjiwa akan merasakan mati. Dan sesungguhnya pada hari kiamat sajalah disempurnakan pahalamu. Barang siapa dijauhkan dari neraka dan dimasukkan ke dalam surga, maka sungguh ia telah beruntung. Kehidupan dunia itu tidak lain hanyalah kesenangan yang memperdayakan"

Surah Ali Imran : 185

Berdasarkan sepotong hadis Nabi Muhammad S.A.W , sebuah kisah Imam Al-Ghazali bersama murid-muridnya dan Firman Allah, ayuh la kita sebagai warga muda Islam memberi sumbangan seikhlas hati di bulan yang penuh keampunan ini.

Mengapa saya memilih 3 perkara di atas?

bagi kita yang baru berusia belasan tahun dan awal dua puluhan kebanyakkannya masih belum berkahwin, jika nyawa kita diambil kembali oleh Allah sebelum kita sempat berkeluarga, adakah kita mempunyai zuriat yang soleh untuk mendoakan kita? Yang tinggal hanya ilmu bermanafaat yang dikongsi dan SEDEKAH.

Sehubungan itu, saya dan rakan-rakan yang lain akan mengadakan majlis berbuka puasa di sebuah rumah anak yatim di sekitar Kuala Lumpur pada 2 haribulan september. Mari lah menderma.

Segala sumbangan boleh bank-in ke acc Maybank Berhad Program Kasih Sayang 2010.

164481109018 - Mohamad Zubir Ahmad.

Lelaki - Abu burn

Girls - Nabilah wabisna

Untuk keterangan lanjut boleh hubungi saya di facebook


picture lepas opah balik makkah bagi sy m&m besa punye!!

Last Wednesday I went to a Islam grave yard visiting my grandmother. It is grim to post about grave yard right? But that will be our last station before meeting with HIM at the jugdement day. Don’t be afraid. Last year I could not go to visit my grandma because of my early flight before raya.

I still remember, you always ask me to rub your back during bath because there are some spot you cant reach. But now I just can wash your grave.

to opah :

‘saya tau saya la cucu opah paling nakal kan?selalu kacau adek,then opah kejar keliling taman sy still cucu kesayangan opah! Hee.’

Friday, August 27, 2010

The third pillar of faith

it is already 17th of Ramadhan and just happen it is also Nuzul Quran. the day our Prophet claim his prophetic. The first verse Allah had reveil to human being was :

In the name of thy Lord Who createth,

Createth man from a clot.

Read: And thy Lord is the Most Bounteous,

Who teacheth by the pen,

Teacheth man that which he knew not.

Nay, but verily man is rebellious

Surah Al-Alaq : 1-5

so ask our self whether we did the right thing? maybe we really strugel read thousands of books, or novels but do we give al-quran his right?

secondly and most important, dont forget that al-quran was the third pillar of faith. are we really trust this book?for me as a medical student, maybe some of us think that the one that will heal our patient will be the drugs. but..

And We send down of the Qur'ân that which is a healing and a mercy to those who believe (in Islâmic Monotheism and act on it), and it increases the Zâlimûn (polytheists and wrong-doers) nothing but loss.

Surah Al-Isra’ : 82

How many of us will say to our future patient

‘pak cik, saya boleh bagi ubat tapi penyembuh segala penyakit Al-Quran dan yang menyembuhkan hanya Allah.’


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Qudsi 5:HIM happy with you

let us be honest with our self, maybe take a few minutes to think, how much we put effort to make HIM happy rather than did maksiat?. so why dont every rakaat during reciting Surah al-Fatihah in salat we really get into this surah because..

Narrated Abu Huraira(may Allah be pleased with him) :

I heard Allah's Messenger(may peace be upon him) saying that Allah said : I have divided the prayer into two halves between Me and My slave. My slave will have to what he asks for. When the slave recites : Allah praises be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, Allah says : My slave has praised Me. When the slave recites : The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, Allah says : My slave has modifid Me best. When the slave recites He is the Owner of the Day of Judgement. Allah says: My slave has surrendered himself to My Will. When the slave recites : You we worship and from You we seek help, Allah says : This is between Me and My slave. My slave will have whatever he has asked for. When the slave recites : Guide us to the straight path, the path of those on whom You bestowed Your favours. Those who neither exasperated you, nor went astray. At this, Allah says : this is for My slave and My slave will have what he has asked for.

(This Hadith is sound and reported by Muslim)

Sunday, August 22, 2010


First of all, I would like to say I am sorry for not updating my blog for so long. My last post was on 27th of July which is the day I went back to Malaysia. Last month, while im hatdith walking at I found this hadith :

Diriwayatkan daripada Usamah bin Zaid r.a katanya: Aku telah mendengar Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: Seorang lelaki telah dihumban ke Neraka pada Hari Kiamat, terpancul keluar ususnya dan dia berputar dalam Neraka seperti seekor kaldai berputar mengelilingi pengisar gandum dalam kandang. Ahli Neraka mengerumuninya dan mereka bertanya: Hai kamu! Apa yang telah terjadi kepadamu؟ Bukankah kamu dahulu menyuruh manusia melakukan kebaikan dan menegah manusia daripada melakukan perkara mungkar؟ Dia menjawab: Memang benar. Aku telah menyuruh orang melakukan kebaikan tetapi aku (sendiri) meninggalkannya dan aku menegah manusia dari melakukan perkara mungkar sedangkan aku melakukannya.

The moment I read this hadith I was afraid, am I the one who this hadith talking about? It takes me 2 weeks thinking about this, then I try to ask JAKIM about this hadith, ist sahih or not, but still no answer.

I don’t know what to do, im not perfect, just started to learn about islam and share..hopefully HE will help me.