al dis idea come when im in a trip to 1 of orphanage at Sungai Siput Perak..fuh..emotional jap..sob..sob..sob.
hrm..when i saw da compaund around da house.its clean.btr than my 50 years colenial nye budak2 duk kat knows ryte?upper surface of clavicle is smooth bt then turn to posterior surface?...
then i meet wit a group of orphans..they were afraid of us at pki skils PRS ckit.cair la bdk2 tu.i talk wit a gurl name aisyah..she has a lovely pair of eye bt its dull n moaning.i cn see dat clearly at dat time.then..
me:adik nie umur brape? aisyah:12 bang. me:wah!da nk UPSR nie.preparation cmne? aisyah:(she just gv me sum sweety smile.hahaha.nvr mind) me:adek..bley x sy tyn ckit.jgn la malu k..(while my hand giving her MARS bar).nape adek duk cnie? aisyah:hrm..jgn bg tau org laen duk cnie.sbb ayah sy meninggal.ade lg 12 adek kat umah.jd mak hantar la sy kat cnie.
slamat aku x banjir dpn tuh.sbb aku mmg payah dalam ati tu..ya ALLAh..tough gile bdk nie..
then i meet wit da ayahanda for da orphanage.
me:assalamualaikum pak cik ayahanda:waalaikumsalam. me:sy nk tyn la.brape belanje sorang2 budak yg ddk kat cnie? ayahanda:diorang nie murah je belanje.RM120 sebulan.kalo yang baby mahal ckit.nk beli lampin la.susu la.(criusly terase..aku topup pon lebih kurang cm2 sebulan) me:td sy ade tyn aisyah psl die senyap.drng nie study cmne? ayahanda:drng nie..kalo dpt pegi skola 2 ari seminggu pon da kire paling rajin!
hrmm..c..dah pegang amanah menjage budak2 nie..knape x jg btol2..nw days..witout knowledge u cnt go wud they survive when they r above 21? so..i came out wit 1 idea.. y not we build an orpahanage wit sbp's style?i mean select from al over malaysia da best orphan yg realy2 want to change his/her life.we gv them everythng dat they cnt evn imagine.evrythng the best for them.
im a doctor in makin i want to invite al my frens to donate sum of their salary-to-be yg bayak this house.x salah kalo donate macam nie.bley rebate 4 our cukai pendapatan.bak kate sudirman;
'Aku Bukanlah Seorang Perwira Gagah Menjunjung Senjata Namun Hati Rela Berjuang Walau Dengan Cara Sendiri Demi Cinta Ini'
aku bknnye poyo ckp comfrim aku akan jadi dr!tp aku ikhlas..aku x rase aku bley tingal parent aku lg.11 thn x ddk ngan drng.dr form 1 kat STAR then sambung plak kat Egypt nie.just imagine?growing half of ur life witout parent?.aku harap2 aku diberikan kekuatan oleh ALLAH untuk membantu anak-anak kalo aku x mampu..sape2 yang masih igt idea ini.teruskanlah.mungkin anak-anak yang kita tolong ini boleh membantu lebih ramai yang senasib dengan mereka bile drng berjaya nnt.
i spend al my morning today listening to ceramah korban by ustz nazrul.its a nu topic for hari raya korban ryte?usually g masjid imam2 tue sho bg ceramah bout kisah Nabi Ibrahim n Nabi Ismail n oso story bout Habil n dis ustz try to explore this korban thng from dift p.o.v n i like it!
lets talk bout general love.hihi!im in love oso be honest la.yeah..there's 1 syeikh wrote a book bout luv.he said dat 1st thng come from love is evrythng around he/she is wonderful..or like wat ustz nazrul said "semua mcm pelangi la idop dia tu!".2nd thng wud come after dat is envies.envy when ur luv 1 dun do thngs dat u luv.then it wud change to hate!hahaha.
hrm..til nw ade yg terase die btol2 in luv x?ask ur self k..
from sirah Nabi Ibrahim n Nabi Ismail..there got 2 types of luv.1 luv from a 100 years dad to his 13 years old son which is Nabi Ibrahim.n a pure luv from a son to his father in dis case i Nabi an easy test for a father to sacrifice his one own child after waitin 4 so many years?n ist an easy thng to leave ur father when he's 100 years old dat need sum attention from u?bt ALLAH knows btr ryte?cn u do such thng like dat?do u?
if u stil thnk u cn luv sum1 not more than u luv Allah n Nabi Muhammad so go on..
its 2nd day of raya korban.every1 wake up alone dat time.inside me startd to blaming my self"tu la ko.smlm pengsan awal sgt!".then suddenly i heard door bell!cit!cit!cit!(bunyi anak burung).dash to the door!rupenye faiz..ajak nk g sembelih!thank god.HE gv me sumtin to do at last!
nie la unta g nk sembelih tuh.wats in my heart at dat time?"pergh best gile sembelih unte.jrng jumpe kat malaysia.nk try la rase die nye daging nie!"
sumtin dift from malaysia.b4 sembelih ade tazkirah tentang korban dulu.bgs actly!nie 2nd unta.1st unta aku kene tlg akak senior ambek 2nd sembelih aku join pegang unte!syok gak!tp mercik darah smpi muke then..time nk sembelih tu..dat camel cryin bout sumtin n made me thnk "unte..its realy painful..YA i bet dis camel who scrfc his life 4 u.wud i reach dat level..if im not..pls open my heart 4 it Ya Allah.."
b4 i rest my case..criusly i thnk here is btr than malaysia.usualy kat malysia.org2 mude mane bley took part nk sembelih2 nie.mst org2 tue gak nk.kat cnie.sume bley buat!best!
KORBAN!KORBAR!KORBAN! "berkorban..apa saja..harta ataupun nyawa"-Hang Tuah nw.sacrificing my teenage 4 medicine..dah la b4 dis 5 years berkorban puase..x dpt pose penoh wit parent.n hv to prolong my korban puase 4 anthr 6 years..
dis morning i wake up at 6 a.m!nvr b dat late b4!bkk je mate tros jump from my bed!wargh!im late 4 slt sunat raye!mandi sunat secare express then..jen jen jen!jubah br!wee!tu sbb aku semangat nk p solat raye actly.hahaha.
b4 trun umah,my fren askd me"ko nk pki sweater x nie?".i just simply answrd him"relax bro.kate IRON MAN.lg pon org arab x pki pon".skali trun bwh tungu van nk g stadium..cakap pon kua asap!sejuk dol!aku dah la pki JUBAH JE(phm2 la k bt + boxer la.jgn korunk phm laen plak).
zaid,syafiq n i waitin 4 da van bout 4 not evn a car passing by.then we decided to walk.jauh gak..bout nvr mind.insyaAllah dpt pahale.sampai simpang salam jmpe ustaz DPMZ n a group of 1st year gurls.drng pon lmbt gak.
fuh..after bout 30 mnts walking.smpi gak at last!fuyoh..rmi nye org kat stadium!bt im wondering..hrm..drng nie jage wuduk ke x?time kat enterence tuh..laki pmpuan berasak.drop it la.just sv my own wuduk!.masuk je stadium.rupenye ktrg da da angkat takbir.cpt2 la bentang sejadah.
best part kalo solat raye!pukol gambo la(bak kate org treng).apo lg.lepas salam2 beryae.mule la.mencari mangse.ade yg cr bdk kecik arab.ade yg cr pmpuan arab tros!tp jin..hahaha.try mintak nk tangkap gamba ngan arab.kene reject da..muahahaha!niewey bwh nie my masterpiece 4 rase kali nie.bye2 then!
Eid Adha..come wil we meet it again eid adha 4 next year?.drop it la.keh3.sedih2 la pg raye nie.
hrm..ape beze raye ngan x raye?4 me its al bout da fud!rendang..lontong..sup daging..kuah house runout of gases!ngok la cmnie..x beraye la aku.or aku mkn menu raye telo rebus dlm boiler jela nmpk nye..kesedihan..
dah la raye witout family(homesick).Cewaah!hahaha.nvr mind la.da nsb bdn kn.nk buat here 4 there must b sumtin Allah wil pay back 4 it.lg pon raye cnie meriah gak.solat kat stadium.da abes solat bley la cuci2 mate ckit.muahahaha.niat da laen da nie.pdhl pg esk nk g solat raye nie.iskh3!ariff!btoi kn niat balik noe!
lg 1..teringat la kenangan raye aji last parent pick up me at skul.then tros blk kg.lupe bwk blk bj melayu.smpi je kg my grandpa ask me."haikal ade bg raye x nie?", i just simply answr him "ala wan..raye haji je pon.bkn raye btol2".bt then he ask me to follow him.i tot to buy some fud.rupenye die bwk aku g kedai bj melayu.then he said"sunat pki bj br pagi raye".disebabkan itulah.aku membeli 1 jubah br untk raye pg esk!thanks wan!
actly im on hols ryte nw..10days..usually break 4 eid just bout 4 dis year bcz og SWINE FLU..egyptian gov gv us 10 days break! yuppe!at 1st then nw..da weather hv change!im bored!darn bored!tot x nk study today!bt my hand..argh!stop it ariff!u cnt touch da book today! so i just blogging.start a nu chapter.hehehe.
pst..its my 1st post.i try to post sumthng everyday.